Having to go to school again with,know one to talk to because everybody has someone but,me my best friends named Daisy, Judy, Jill,and Tammy all have someone in there life.Daisy-P.O.V
We are going to do something for Lily because she is all ways there for us okay Judy,Jill.Jill-P.O.V
Yes let's because of her I am dating Michael and could not be happier than what I am .Judy-P.O.V
So what do you think we should do for her because whatever we do I am inviting Tyler sorry Daisy I known you don't want to see he.Daisy-P.O.V
O I will not be paying attention to him because Mark will be there with me
O it is fine because I will be there with Mark.Daisy,Judy,and Jill-P.O.V
How about a party and we invite all of our friends expectely Mel yes so that is the plan yes.