Lily-Did you guys know about this?
Jill,Judy,Daisy- About what?
Lily-You know Kevin asking me out at my birthday party.
Daisy- No
Lily-Okay it doesn't matter anyway I had a boyfriend now.
Jill-What do you mean in high school all of the guys liked you.
Lily- Girl you must be talking about Daisy because know boy talked to me not one.
Jill-No I am talk to you because Alan loved you.
Lily- You are just saying that to make me feel better.
Jill-No I am not you are my best friend I am telling you the true, I see how boys look at you.
Lily-Really, how come you have never stayed this to me before?
Jill-I thought you know?
Lily- No,okay so the next year time you will tell me.