I walked out of the house and decided to take a walk. As soon as I started walking at least a block a girl around my age said "hey are you new here?" "Yeah we just moved in." I said trying to block the sun away from my face. "My name is Cierra, what's yours?" She asked kindly. "Sky.. sky is my name."I said and we both laughed. "Oh you have 2 sisters right?" She asked. "Um... yeah how do you know?" I asked. "Oh I'm your babysitter, my name is Cierra." She said kindly. "Do you want to come over?" She asked. "Yeah." I said walking with her across the street. We the. Got to her house,which was across from my house so it isn't far at all. We walked it and I saw too people what I belive was her dad and her mom. "Hey guys this is sky she just moved here across the street and also the girl that I'm helping babysit." Cierra said introducing me. "Hello I'm so glad you loved here you will love it!" The mother said with joy and excitement. It was nice meeting you sky but I have to go pick up Matt from baseball." The dad and mom said giving me a hug. "Bye hope to see to again." I said waving as they left.
"Who is matt?" I asked
"Oh he is my brother." She said
"Cool.. well I better get going." I said.
"Okay when are you starting school?" She asked.
"Um Thursday." I said (a/n I'm changing it to Thursday)
"I can't wait and I will be over tomorrow after school!" She said happily.
I then left her house and walked into my house. "Did you make any new friends?"my mom asked.
"Yeah the babysitter she is really nice and cool." I said kissing my mom on the forehead."Goodnight sky." My mom said.
"Night." I said then walking up to my room and then flopped on my bed and fell asleep knowing that I'm off to a good start!
(A/N I'm sorry for not updating. But I'm going to make it up to you guys. I have been having some family issues but I won't go into detail about it. If you have any questions text me on here! Love you guys!
Big Decision (Matthew Espinosa)
Fanfiction"mom some guy is at the door." I said opening up the door. alright so let me introduce my self I am Sky. I have long brown hair and hazel eye. I have two younger sisters one being 12 and the other one being 6. one day something happens that changes...