Prologue: Saying Goodbye & X-factor

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Authors Note: Hey guys, first chapter! Dedicated to CakesCulldosack for supporting me for writing a story! Hope you like it :) Please leave comments!

Liam's POV.

So this was the end of it. Leaving the BIS for joining the X-factor was a big decision. I'm still wondering if I choose right. I knew Alex didn't like it. He was too happy to hide when I didn't make it two years ago. Maybe it was better that way, but still he could at least try to support me. He's like my brother. We went to a lot together these past few years. I think it's time he starts acting like it. Somebody knocked on my door and before I could say or do anything the door openend and Michael entered "Hey, how are you? Done packing yet?" 

"Just done packing, and fine I guess?" 



"You know, I think you just go talk to him. You both feel the same about each other. You're brothers. And not only in arms. You both are so stubborn sometimes. You know he's proud of you. He just doe-"

"Is he really? Come on, look at how he reacted when I told you guys I would go back like Simon advised me to do and the only thing I got from him was a deadly stare and then he just walked out."

Michael looked doubtly at me, trying to choose his words wisely. "You both went through a lot. You guys mean everyting to each other. Don't bother to think even about me and Lewis. We only were added to your group after you know..." A sad look covered his face. "You guys started together and never left each other side. You were like inseparable for the past 5 years. And other then Alex you still have Ruth and Nicola, and not to forget both of your parents."

"You and Lewis mean a lot to me, don't underestimate that." 

"I know, but this isn't about us."

"Maybe you're right."

"When haven't I been?"

I smirked. "Thanks for that Mike. Please promise me you'll watch after Alex."

"I will." We hugged and then he stood up. "Now time for you to talk to Alex, and for me to find Lewis and load everything into the car."

After he left the room, I stared at the wall in front of me. Shapes in dust showed were some pictures and posters had perked up my room. All of them were now in my bags or given away. i sighed. Michael was right. I stood up and walked through the door. Before I closed it I took one last glance to say a final farewell. I walked through the hall until I reached the next door. When I knocked, no aswer came back. I pushed the door open and Alex layed with closed eyes on his bed. "I thought I didn't tell anyone to come in."

"I thought we were brothers, and we were going to support each other through thick and thin." After I said that he shot up quicker then I would be able to say "spoon". A hurtful expression covered the features of his face. Maybe it was harsh what I said, but hey, I was tired of this. "Then why are you leaving me now?"

"Look, Alex we had this conversation before, I really want this. It would only be so much nicer if you actually supported me. You were the one to point I had a nice voice. Not Kyle, not Jack, not even Mike or Lew. You did. And then in the end, when the decision has to be made, you run?" 

"I don't run." A tear rolled down his cheek.

"You do, Alex. And you know it. I don't even know why I bothered to say goodbye to you. You don't act like the Alex that was my brother. The Alex I got to know during trainingcamp." Tears started to form in my eyes. 

"I'm sorry Liam." He grabbed my arm and pulled me next to him on the bed. "I just don't want to lose you. After what happened with Kyle and Jack, you were all I had. And know you're going too."

"I promised me I would never leave you. And I'm not planning on it either. Whenever you need me, I'm sure you'll be able to find me. And you can contact me whenever you feel like it. But you have to promise you'll stop being like this, and that you will look at for Mike and Lew."

"I will." 

"Good." Lewis and Michael stormed into the room, not bothering to knock. "Time to say goodbye Li. Cab's here."

"So this it then. Just look out for each other, and please don't give Jonathan too much headaches." We shared one last group hug and then we went outside. I stepped into the car and looked one last time at my teammates. Alex was running inside. Michael and Lewis waved. I sadly waved back. "I'll write!" They nodded. Just when the cab started pulled out of the parking lot Alex came back screaming. "Stop the cab!" The driver braked and I stepped out. "You forget this." Out of his pocket he pulled the dogtags we made out of the onces of Jack and Kyle. So both of us had a part of Kyle and Jack always with us. He then pulled a dogtag of his own out and added it to my bundle. "Now, we're all together with you for always." 

"Always, I like that thought." 

"I am proud of you Liam. Now go and show those bitches what you're worth."

"This is only goodbye!" I got back down in my seat and the cab left. I hang the dogtags round my neck and leaned my head against the window. As the scenery changed to the outskirts of town to the centre of it, I dreamed away about my old life.

The cab driver pulled me out of my thoughts. "We're here." I payed him, took my cases and left the cab. I stood in front of a huge building that I recognised as the X-factor audition building in Birmingham. "Let's do this."

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