Chapter 2 - Welcome to Beacon Hills High

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Chapter 2
    I pulled into the parking lot of Beacon Hills High School, and as soon as I jumped out of the car, did a quick 360 turn before making my way through the front doors of my new life.
    The hallways were crowded and obnoxiously busy, making it hard to make it to my locker that was so inconveniently placed at the far end of the hallway. I pushed my way through the dense crowd to finally my destination and began to unload my unneeded items to make my back not weight 400 lbs.
    "I'll be fine, Scott," I heard a voice confirm behind the locker next to me.
    "You can never be too safe," another said, quite possibly Scott.
    "It should be -" I heard them stop and I lifted my head from my locker to find 2 boys, obviously differing from height and age, staring at me with a concerned look. My heart rate picked up. First day here and I already screwed up. All I could think to do was smile.
    "Hi," the younger one squeaked. He lifted his hand to a wave while the older one seemed to keep staring.
    "Hiya!" I practically oozed, regretting my friendliness but still smiling. "New here - little scared but I'm sure I should be fine. Name's Lily. You?" Silence.
    "Liam," the younger one spoke, finally breaking the awkward silence.
    "Scott," the other said, raising and eyebrow.
He seemed like he almost didn't trust me despite this our first meeting.
    "Okay, I can't help but ask," I said, leaning towards them. "Where can I find this class? I figured I could get it on my own but I know I'll end up in the wrong class. Probably the gym or something stupid -" the two quickly exchanged looks and Scott practically shoved Liam forward.
    "I'll do it," Liam proclaimed, shutting his locker, grabbing my arm, and pulling me down the hallway.
    "Alright," I smiled uncomfortably. First day here and I already have a boy on my arm. Not bad.
    "I'm in that class, too," Liam said, letting go of the tight grip on my arm that left a red mark.
    "Are you as worried as I am?" I asked.
    "No!" He answered a little too quickly. "Why?"
    "Well," I confessed. "You bruised my arm,"
    I pointed to my upper arm where it began to turn purple-ish yellow.
    "Oh, gosh," he moaned. "I'm sorry. I just -" he seemed to search for an excuse. "You're, um,"
    "I'm just going to stop you right there," I said, kinda feeling bad I interrupted him. "There's obviously something wrong. You didn't have to take me to this class. I must have annoyed you or interrupted something important between you and your friend. I have this tendency -"
    "Lily," Liam said, grabbing my shoulders and looking me in the eyes. He had really nice eyes. They were like a galaxy of green and blue and I felt myself getting lost in them. "You didn't do anything wrong. My friend and I back there were discussing nothing important. I just don't do well around cute girls." He gave a soft smile and walked into the class room, leaving me in the hallway with my face getting hot and butterflies from in my stomach.
    "Miss Redwood," I snapped out of it at the call of my name. I looked into the classroom to see a very impatient teacher waiting for me to enter the room.
    "I'm sorry!" I hiccuped before slipping into the room to stand next to the teacher's desk.
    "Everyone," the teacher began. "This is Lily Redwood, a new student, and new friend. Please do what you can and welcome her," I smiled before making my way back to an empty seat in the classroom. I pulled out my note book, prepared to write what I needed to when I felt a tap on the shoulder. I looked to my left to see Liam and a smile plastered across his face.
    "Welcome to Beacon Hills High School," I gave a soft smile and a nod before turning to the front board.
This place might not suck after all.

So this may or may not suck - I can't tell. More up soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2015 ⏰

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