The Thirteen

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There was thirteen of us all taken randomly upon his choice hulled up in a truck and taken away.

I held on for dear life, my nails dug into the hard branch of the tree, the blood drained out of my hands and from my face my fingers cramped from holding tight. I heard his heavy daunting  footsteps, calling my name echoeing for ages. The pain shot up my legs, i felt like screaming the pain of my aching leg and the throbbing in my head where the blood seeped through my dirt ridden hair. The worst thing was nobody could help, there was no glimpse of hope no god..just what will happen when he finds you. If i screamed or let him find me.... it was over. He would drag me across the floor and into the body pit. I'd seen what had happened to the others. They would scream and beg and swear not to tell then the ear piering bullet of the gun would go through their head or he would stab them with a knife and leave them to die with the other rotting corpes. I remember rolliing into people when the truck turned sharps corners, they would do it to cause even more pain. The truck was filled with about 30 or maybe more kids, we had traveled for hours in the back of a dark claustrabic truck, our mouths taped shut, our arms tied behind our back. I could hear the desperate screams behind the mask, some were just children from what i could make out in the darkness. So little and young and scared as hell we all were.  There was nothing i could do for them.This shouldn't be life, life isn't this painful, I wished i was died at moments, we would wait in the wooden floored white room with only one window. Just forest for miles and miles. We would wait, we knew the pain was coming every day at around 11 o'clock he would stands us in a line. The stinging blood stenched whip would slice our backs and behind our legs, if you flenched just a little you would wish you were dead. There was this one girl about my age maybe a little younger would sit there rocking praying for something always mumbling. She went crazy screaming and cursing he shot her before our eyes he left her there. The blood leaked onto the floor through the cracks of the floorboards. I saw a flash of a light searching through the thick overgrown grass and trees. Bats screached when the light beamed in there eyes, the dust motes were in a frenzied dance. I knew it was over the light flew over the tree and settle on me.

"gotcha," he called "You really shouldn't try and run, haven't you learn't a thing!" he screamed.

She looked down below her, quickly scarmbling to her feet she hung to the tree trunk and jumped.She fell hard and painfully each bone form her body slowly etching out of thir sockets, the tendons in her body disconneting her muscles form her bones. She could feel it all like she was being experimented on being picked up and thrown away. She was in excruting unbearable pain. She didn't make a noise she wouldn't let herself. She wouldn't give him that satisfaction of seeing her scrambiling aroundn runnign for dear life.She wanted it to be over, to be done,fin à sessouffrancespour de bon (end her sufferings for good). The ground  around her soaked in blood . 

"Tough little bugger aren't you," he sneered "I think i might keep you alive."

He dragged her through the over grown grass across the sharp rocks. She closed her eyes and wished to die.

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