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The year was 1998, it was a quiet peace full day around the pack house. A mother sat beside a young baby girl wrapped in a soft pink blanket. He mother looked at the baby with loving green eyes as she sang a quiet lullaby. "Just close your eyes the sun is going down, may your dreams be filled with love all around. And when you shake just remember one thing mama will be here if you you wake." She sang holding the 'A' in wake.
The mother held the baby's head in her hand as she began to doze off. The mother heard loud foot steps running down the hall, a tall handsome man is is late thirties can in to the room, sweat running down is face "pardon my intrusion Luna Kelsey, but we are under attack." He said in a panicked voice. " Sam sent me to tell you he will be here shortly." He said trying to give his best smile.
Kelsey looked at the beta, and nodded her head. He turned to the sleeping baby " going to be alright Julia." She whispered as she stroked the baby's soft hair.
Another pair of footsteps was heard running down the hall "Kels," Sam said in a relived voiced as he stumbled towards his wife and daughter "hunters." He said in a voice she had never heard him use before. Kelsey stood up and kissed him on the lips
"It's gonna be fine." She whispered as she turned her gaze back to the baby child.
There was a gun shot heard in the distance followed by a loud whimper. "WHERES YOU ALPHA!" A man yelled there was no reply except the sound of another gun shot.
The front door the the pack house was slammed open. "Here puppy, puppy, puppy." He man shouted in a joking tone
Sam turned to Kelsey "they're here." He said his eyes turning a strange yellow and his veins turning black, the next second he was large grey wolf.
The door to the room was slammed open and a tall muscular man talked in holding a lever action riffle. He cocked the rifle ready to shoot, when the wolf, Sam, leaped at him and caught hold of the mans arm. He man yelled in pain as hit the wolf down the butt of his riffle.
"I've been waiting to long for this moment Sam Stonefall." He man said as the wolf fell to the ground growling. As the wolf started to get up another hunter broke through the window like ninja and pointed a loaded hand gun at Kelsey. "Your surrounded now Sam." The first hunter said as he pointed a the rifle at the wolf. Sam growled and leaped at the hunter.
There was a loud gun shot. The wolf no longer moved, a silver bullet was put through it's head. The fur around the bullet wound burned by the bullet.
Kelsey fell to the ground at her dead husband. Her eyes filled with tears. She kissed him on the muzzle the looked back at the baby. "Please. Don't her Julia, my baby." She she begged pleading at the foot of the head hunter.
"Oh, but Kelsey. Your pack has been to troublesome for years." He man pointed the riffle at the mother, an pulled the trigger. Kelsey screamed in pain as the silver bullet hit her leg. It's burned as he went through her flesh.
The hunter kneeled down beside her "I must say it's a shame you must die." He paused as he looked her over "you are, you were very pretty." He said as he stroked her cheek. She growled and hit the man hands
"You are a monster! A monster!" He screemed. As she moved her hand to her burnt bleeding leg. The man opened his clock and pulled out a silver blade.
"Miss, you will regret saying that." He said as he lightly brushed the knife along her neck. "Jason!" The man said to the hunter with the hand gun "take the child, take her to Bane and Ashley's house."
The last this the mother head of her child was a quiet whimper of being lifted in her slumber. The hunter looked at Kelsey and grinned he placed the blade on her lips which burned then he applied pressure causing her to bleed. He stood up "goodbye." He said with a cruel chuckle. As the threw the silver knife at her heart. She screamed in pain. As the knife entered her body, but not kill her.
The hunter watched as Kelsey screamed in pain her limbs becoming weak. She was slowing dying a painful death.
Most of the pack had gotten away a few families with children of their own. But many had stayed to help fight.
The hunter moved towards the window, took one last look at the dying lady and swiftly jumped out the window. The screaming stopped
Both of Julia's parents were dead.
I hope you guys like the prologue. Please comment and vote. Also sorry for any grammar mistakes!
Hope you liked it! Thanks for reading

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