Chapter 7:

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Chapter 7:

So, where was I...? Oh, yeah, I remember now.

My life honestly hadn't been worth living. However, with my colors faded or not, I still had hope. Of course, it seemed near impossible at the same time. We'd not had contact in... 4 straight years. For 4 years, I'd hoped. Cried. Mourned. For 4 years I'd wished I could see him again.

When I'd been 16, I'd passed my driver's test flawlessly, as did most of my friends. However, even with the access to a car, I hadn't moved away or anything. Our little empire was still my home and would be for many years to come. Though, I did leave one time. I'd decided to travel back to the city, and considering we still had our house, it wasn't a struggle. I'd taken some stuff, and after arriving, I'd left the house and made my way down the street. I'd pulled out my phone, and dialed up an old number that the owner probably thought I'd forgotten long ago. Sure enough, the owner of said number had answered nearly instantly.

"Jerome!" A short conversation took place, activity beginning to form down the street. Soon enough, I'd been hugged nearly to death by none other than Preston, and Vikk shortly after. Oh, and Rob as well. Rob? Well apparently, by that time Preston had found his soul mate. Vikk hadn't, but he'd seemed happy nonetheless. They'd begun to bombard me with question after question. Eventually a silence had fallen over our small little group. I'd known why. They had as well.

"... How's Mitch?" Vikk had finally spoken the one thing on everyone's mind.

"... Alive." I'd muttered back sadly. They all nodded. Now Rob didn't know who Mitch was, but he'd seen pictures, and they'd told him what had happened. He knew he was my soul mate. He knew we'd been ripped apart.

"It's funny, you know?" Preston had chuckled. "It's like I can almost smell him." Vikk had given Preston the weirdest look, as well as Rob.

"How? He hasn't been here in years!" Vikk declared.

"Well..." Everyone had quickly looked to me. "I mean... I have his hoodie." Reaching towards the small bag I'd brought with me, I'd pulled the hoodie out. We'd all just sat there, them smiling sadly at it, while I just held it in my lap. "It's funny..." I'd cracked a weak smile, bringing the hoodie to my nose and carefully inhaling the strange, mixed scents. "I can't smell him anymore."

I'd spent a week with them, hanging out, catching up, but eventually I did need to go home. After all, I had a job. I'd just had so much spare time, that, why not? I'd still had time to keep up with school and do all the things I'd need to do, of course, it hadn't ever been a problem for me. My boss had even assured me that, once I'd graduated high school, I could work their full time if I'd want too. I'd said goodbye to all of my friends, them asking me to come back anytime. I said I would, and told them to come and visit me sometimes too. They'd said they would.

Upon getting home, I was, as usual, swarmed by my friends. I'd stopped by the house, dropped my stuff back off, and had then gone to work.

Hmn... There isn't really much to tell. How about we skip to when I turned 18?

My 18th birthday was definitely interesting. With money earned over the course of nearly 3 years, I'd saved up enough to by myself a nice looking car, even if I wouldn't use it much. I mean, I couldn't rely on my parents for everything, right? The car was black and sleek.

It was a very nice car- I still have it. See? Out front? Yeah, that one. Mitch? Uh... He, uh, got rid of his car... Um- anyway.

I still had the same job, and most of my attention had been focused on the test we'd all need to take for graduation. However, I still found time, even when juggling with my job and my school work, to slip away from everything and simply relax in blissful isolation. My life had a sense of normality, and I wanted to keep it that way. One day, however, while my friends and I were all hanging out inside, studying, and a knock sounded at the door. My parents answered it, and suddenly, Preston's grinning face had appeared in the doorway. My friends had been confused, though I, on the other hand, had shot from my seat and had tackle hugged him.

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