Anything Can Happen

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"I told you I want my money" a random man said.

"What Money... Tf are you talking about", Chresanto said.

The random man was a drug dealer.. Chresanto and his gang (Rayan, Craig,and Jacob) got some drugs from them a few weeks ago.

"Hah. You must be new to the drug life little boy... When you get 'em from me... You don't get it for free" , the dealer said the Chres.

Chresanto pays the man and runs info his 2010 Camero, and speeds away.

Later on that day, him and his crew are at his house smoking and having a blast... Until one of his friends have a plan.

"Yo... You know what we should do?" Rayan said with a chuckle.

"No , what" The others said.

"We... Should... Rob... A ... Bank"he said.

All the others are laughing and high fiving. Since they were loopy, and crazy.. They thought that was the BEST idea ever.

They plan this for 2 days straight. Then "Operation Big Bang" was in action.

The Los Angeles Federal Bank was closing.. And at 7:05 was when they went inside.. Then rammed the safe that holds more than 1.6 million dollars inside. Craig and Rayan was on look-out, when Jacob and Chresanto into the safe with their weapons on their waists.

"FREEZE!" Two security guards shouted with their guns pointed at Jacob and Chresanto.

They were scared.. But no for long. Each of them pulled out their guns and shot at the two guards , having blood splashing everywhere. Jacob and Chresanto grabbed handfuls of money and took off to find Rayan and Craig.

"Rayan! Craig! Hurry up!" Jacob screamed multiple times. Rayan and Craig ran with Chresanto and Jacob. They left the Bank in Chresanto's Camero.

"9-1-1 Help! There was a shooting and murder at the bank on 5th Avenue." A random lady said to the 9-1-1 operator.

2 hours later the Police and Ambulance came.

They put the two injured Guards on a Gurney and onto the Ambulance's Vehicle.

"Hmph.. Seems like we got 4 suspects to this crime scene" A police officier said.

"Yes, and one hair an afro,another had two pigtails that are braids, and the other two had short black hair" The bystander said.

~While they figure out whodunit .. Lets see what the boys are up to.

Rayan and Craig are coughing while smoking.. And they are talking to The other boys.

"Broo, we are RICH! Hah, thanks to my plan though" Rayan said lauging .

They agreed with him and they each did a handshake.


They hear someone at the door.. then BOOM! The door is knocked down and police are surrounding the house and the one on the inside said "YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR THE MURDER OF TWO GUARDS AND FOR ROBBING A BANK"

"Oh Shyt" Jacob said dashing away , but a cop gets him and handcuffs him and the others

"Thanks Rayan... Thanks Alot! 😒" Craig,Jacob,And Chresanto said.

"ANYTHING YOU SAY CAN AND WILL BE HELD AGAINST YOU!" A cop said pushing them into a car.

"Why...Why did i think of this" Rayan said

💕What do you guys think...

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@hailey_the_msft !

Anything Can HappenWhere stories live. Discover now