Quite But Not Mute

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Alaina POV:

I was woken up in the morning by my mum yelling at me to get out of bed and get dressed for school. I stayed in bed for another 20 minutes trying not to fall asleep and not succeeding until my mum finally came into my room "Alaina it is already 30 minutes past seven, get out of bed and dressed!" she yelled at me. I yawned and groggily got out of bed and went into the bathroom which was just next door to my room, I washed my face and brushed my teeth and when i got out of the bathroom i was suddenly wide awake. I know that you might be thinking why i didn't take a shower, right? I didn't take a shower because I took one the night before, I never and i mean never take showers in the morning, I am just not a morning person.


I walked back into my room and put on my school uniform which was just a skirt or trousers i wore trousers and a white shirt with a black cardigan or jumper with the school logo on its right arm. I looked around my room looking for perfume, my room was small, a box room actually that was light green, I wanted it dark pink, it had a bed in the corner opposite the door, next to the bed was a small desk with my books (I love reading) and on top of it was a red laptop along with my homework on the wall there was a wall rack with hooks i wanted a memory board on the wall with family pictures and all that, next to the door there is a long brown wardrobe which has school uniform for my brothers and me.


I walked downstairs and into the living room I could hear my brothers stair climber chair he has weak bones. Also, he has a broken leg and can never walk again I sometimes get mad at him but other times feel sorry for him and be nice to him. My mum pushed his chair into the living room, picked him up and put him on the bed. "Morning Yusaf " I said to him "Morning" he replied with a loud yawn, at home I am hyper and not shy but at school I am extremely shy and don't talk at all except to my best friend who is in another class. I was on the sofa with my laptop when somebody knocked the door, I jumped up and answered the door and saw that it was my other mate she was not that close to me and we never talked to each other in school but we still shared secrets and hung out a little


"Hi Courtney" i said to her "hi" she replied whilst looking down at her phone. I was hyper around her but not with anyone else except my best friend, I quickly put my shoes on and grabbed my bag but not before kissing my mum and brother on the cheek I didn't take my coat since it was warm out side . "Bye!" I yelled whilst walking out the door "have a good day!" replied my mum, I looked over at Courtney and asked "did you do anything interesting on the weekends?" she looked over at me and said  "no not really just stayed at home" I nodded and looked straight ahead whilst thinking about my crush.


I had a crush that lived about one house away from mine, we never talked but we would walk home together. Nobody knew about my crush, not even my best friend! He had blond hair and sparkling blue eyes, he was is adorable and cute! I was cut out of my thoughts by Courtney asking me if i would come to the shops with her "sure" i said whilst shrugging I was really shy to say no. We walked into Nisa Local and she started buying drinks but not before saying hi to her other mates. When she goes of with her mates I don't say or do anything i just stay quite being the shy girl i am but when i go of with my friends she calls me a sell out and has a fit but once again i am to shy to say anything.


I go to Carr Manor Community Specialist Sports College, it is just like 20 minutes away from my house, Courtney started walking with me to school a few weeks after I started year 7 I am now in Year 9. I had black curly hair but not that curly and brown eyes, Courtney had light brown hair with grey eyes with blue specks in them. We walked to school whilst talking about pointless things and her throwing skittles in the air and whacking them to the floor, "why does she buy them is she is going to throw them on the floor?"  I always think but never say it out loud because I am to shy and scared.


I always wish that I could stand up for myself and not let people bully me but I never have enough courage to do so. We finally got to school and Courtney was instantly surrounded by her other friends they pushed me away like i wasn't even there. I kept the tears in and bit my lip I looked up and was my best friend Aleeyza, I called out her name and waved at her and she came over to me with a huge smile on her face "hi Alaina!" she yelled in my ear (you can easily tell that she is hyper!), I winced and backed away from her whilst cradling my ear "hi Aleeyza" I replied taking my hand of my ear. "How are you" she asked whilst walking towards the hub and me following her "fine thanks how about you?" I replied "great" she said looking around.


She spotted her group of friends and walked up to them "hey guys!" she yelled at them "hey" they replied walking over to her. She pushed me in front of her and i hung my head "hey Alaina" one of them said to me "hey" I whispered. "Not a morning person are you?" commented Jake with a big grin, one of Aleeyzas friend. I just kept my head down with my fringe covering my eyes and muttered "no, not really". I hid behind Aleeeyzas arm like a lost little puppy and pulled her sleeve indicating that i want to leave. She looked back down at my sympathetically and then turned back around to say bye to her mates. We walked of to the hub and went inside we got onto the computers and started our work. We had this thing called an ELP it stands for Extended Learning Project we had 10 weeks to do. For our ELP we had to build a rollercoaster, it was stupid really, I was cut out of my thoughts when someone tapped me on the shoulder

"A True Friend

is the only person who never gets tired

of listening to your own pointless dramas

over and over again"                                                                                                         


Thx for reading this hope it wasn't to boring!

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2013 ⏰

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