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1. Some don't know how to repent. (TOTAL LOST)
Look for Jesus in your heart and soul. Find your inner peace of soul and seek Him. How? Think He is the way, the truth and the life. He is the one True God who manifested in human flesh to save you. You just need to have a sincere heart. Then close your eyes and tell God all of your sins. Don't be ashamed, He will understand you and will forgive you. He's understand even you don't know what exact words to say.

2. There are some who don't want to be forgiven. (PRIDE)
Why? Because you're too rich now? Because you have many friends and connections with other people? No. It is because you are afraid to lose your wealth in this world. Friend, those wealth will only be thrown in hell, the place where there are endless pains. Come. Repent. God will wash all your sins. He is not stubborn but is a very merciful Father. He is waiting for you.
Always waiting.

3. Some of us have already repented but we can be tempted again. (TEMPTED)
Pray when you're being tempted and remind yourself the promises of God to those who will remain faithful. Stop being ashamed if you have committed sins again and give in. God is willing to forgive you if it is a true repentance(it means you're willing to do your best to stop doing those sins). No sin can bring you far away from God. And as you decline the temptation, you become more like Jesus Christ.

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