Prologue 3 (Defendant's case)

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The prosecutor's case against Paige seemed overwhelming. Yet Alan Penn had the reputation of being a master magician in the courtroom. Now it was his turn to present the defendant's case. Could he pull another rabbit out of his hat?

Paige Taylor was on the witness stand, being questioned by Alan Penn. This was the moment everyone had been waiting for.

"John Cronin was a patient of yours, Dr. Taylor?"

"Yes, he was

"And what were your feelings toward him?

"I liked him. He knew how ill he was, but he was very outrageous. He had surgery for cardiac tumor.

"You performed the heart surgery?


"And what did you find during the operation?

"When we opened up his chest, we found that he had melanoma that had metastasized.

"In other words, cancer that had spread throughout his body.

"yes. It had metastasized throughout the lymph glands

"Meaning that there was no hope for him? No heroic measure that could bring him back to health?


"John Cronin was put on life-support systems?

"That's correct

"Dr. Taylor, did you deliberately administer a fatal dose of insulin to end John Cronin's life?"

"I did.

There was a sudden buzz in the courtroom.

She's really a cool one, Gus Venable thought. She makes it sound as thouh she gave him a cup of tea.

"Would you tell the jury why you ended John Cronin's life?"

"Because he asked me to. He begged me to. He sent for me in the middle of the night, in terrible pain. The medicatons we were giving him were no longer working." Her voice was steady. "He said he didnt want to suffer anymore. His death was only a few days away. He pleaded with me to end it for him. I did."

"Doctor, did you have any reluctance to let him die? Any feelings of guilt?

Dr. Paige Taylor shook her head. "No. If you could have seen. . .There was simply no point to letting him go on suffering.

"How did you administer the insulin?

"I injected it into his IV

"And did that cause him any additional pain?

"No. He simply drifted off to sleep

Gus Venable was on his feet. "Objection! I think the defendant means he drifted off to his death! I--"

Judge Young slammed down her gavel. "Mr. Venable, you're out of order. You'll have your chance to cross-examine the witness. Sit down."

The prosecutor looked over at the jury, shook his head and took his seat.

"Dr. Taylor, when you administered the insulin to John Cronin, were you aware that he had put you in his will for one million dollars?

"No. I was stunned when I learned about it.

Her nose should be growing, Gus Venable thought.

"You never discussed money or gifts at any time, or asked John Cronin for anything?

A faint flush came to her cheeks. "Never!"

"But you were on friendly terms with him?

"Yes. when a patient is that ill, the doctor-patient relationship changes. We discussed his business problems and his family problems.

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