Fairwell Raca

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Dear diary
We found Raca dead with a rope around his neck just 4 days ago, no one really mourned him until the funeral where everyone was extremely quiet and sad until the speeches where Dishon made a very inappropriate speech about how Raca did not even deserve a funeral because he was good for nothing and then the boys started a riot and destroyed everything, then made a bonfire to get rid of the remains of the funeral including Raca's body.

I remember when Raca was sent here, he didn't look special in any way but I knew he wasn't like those brutes we have, after I showed him to his room I went to the kitchen and told the chefs to cook some extra food for the new kid, I knew he would have his food stolen but if he had that little bit extra he might at least get a more decent amount to eat, sadly though my trick didn't work and he got only a single slice of carrot, over the next 12 months of him being here he ate next to nothing, started self-harming to a very dangerous level, got extreme depression and then committed suicide just under a week before being here a year.

Raca not many will miss you but at least know that you were not worthless, you could have had a great life you just hit a mountain too steep for you too scale but you could have made it if you had just hung on.

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