Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

We were still holidaying in France a week later, which James was ecstatic about. It was his eighteenth birthday and he was acting even more like a prince than usual, and that was saying something! The hotel we were staying in was beautiful, and we all enjoyed exploring. James, Al and Scorpius had already been in trouble by the hotel staff numerous times.

Scorpius. I sighed contently thinking about him. My boyfriend. He was so perfect and I couldn’t believe that he liked me back. What did I do to deserve such wonderful luck? I had no idea, but I was so grateful. I no longer felt like the outsider in the family, and I had him to thank for bringing me back to being… me. I had been having a hard year and everything was starting to look up again thanks to him.

At first I didn’t want to tell anybody about us, but he eventually convinced me to be open to the idea. Of course, Mum and Dad figured it out immediately, but it was James I was scared about telling. I shuddered, remembering when we told him after the wedding.

“James,” Scorpius began, sitting across from my brother while I sat next to him, ready to hold him back if necessary.

James smiled goofily, and I could tell from the smell coming off him that he had been drinking. That wasn’t good…

“Ah there’s my brother’s best friend and little sister! Where have you two been, I haven’t seen you for aaaaaaaages!”

I opened my mouth, trying to say something but nothing came out. I looked to Scorp for help and being the amazing person he is, he went on.

“Well, the thing is…” Scorp wasn’t one for words, but I was so grateful he was doing this instead of me. “Lily and I are kind of… together.”

James froze. I poked his shoulder, trying to get a reaction out of him, but regretted it when he stood up and grabbed Scorp’s shirt, pulling him closer as he threw his fist into his face.

Scorp still had a black eye, but he and James were at least on speaking terms now after a number of threats of what James would do if Scorp ever hurt me. But now, a few days later, everything was back to normal. Normal, but a million times better!

James announced at breakfast that he wanted to go to the beach, which was a demand that everyone else came too. I rolled my eyes affectionately. My brother was so bossy, but I loved him. I went to the room I was sharing with Rose to change into my swimmers.

“Lily! Good, I need to talk to you,” Victoire said, coming into my room. I gestured for her to sit on my bed next to me. We had gotten a lot closer since the wedding.

“What’s wrong? You don’t look well.” Victoire’s face was pale with sheen on sweat and she looked nervous.

“I’m, I’m…” she stuttered. “Oh Lily, I’m pregnant!” I squealed in excitement and hugged my cousin.

“What did Teddy say? Oh, I’m so happy for you guys!” I exclaimed.

Victoire cleared her throat and that was when I saw she didn’t look as happy as I was. “I haven’t told him yet… I’m just so worried! We just got married and I’m scared that he won’t want to start a family just yet. I mean our careers are both just taking off. I can’t raise a baby on my own!”

I shook my head. “Victoire, shush. I know Teddy and I know for sure that he is going to be ecstatic. He’s always wanted a family, and he wouldn’t have married you if he wasn’t ready. Teddy has always put family before his career, you have nothing to worry about.” Victoire sighed, looking happier than before.

“Thanks Lils, knew I could count on you.” I smiled and we both headed to the beach together.

We got a shock when arriving at the beach. There were dozens of red heads, a few people with black hair but the shocking part that there wasn’t just one blonde there, there was two.

Scorpius stood, looking extremely uncomfortable as his father stood by, trying to engage conversation. What on earth was Draco Malfoy doing there? As far as I knew, he hadn’t been invited to the wedding. Everyone had put the whole ‘Death Eater’ thing behind them, mainly because of Scorpius, but we never socialized with Scorp’s parents. I only saw them on the odd occasion at school. At those events, they would make polite conversation with my parents, but there were obviously still some unresolved issues there.

“Um, hey Scorp,” I greeting. Scorp grabbed my hand and I saw his father raise his eyebrows.

“Something you’re not telling me, son?” he asked, staring pointedly at our intertwined hands. I blushed furiously.

“Can’t put two and two together, Father?” Scorpius muttered. I knew he resented his father because of his past and the criticism Scorpius had to deal with because of it.

“Manners, Scorpius Hyperion.” Draco sounded very stern, and just knowing his past made me shrink.

Scorpius bowed his head mockingly. “Apologies.” He tugged me away, for which I was thankful.

“What is he doing here?” I asked in a hushed voice.

Scorp rolled his eyes. “He and mother and apparently ‘holidaying’. What they’re really doing is getting away from home over the anniversary of the Battle. Despite changing sides, people still don’t take kindly to them showing their faces at the feast.” On May the 2nd every year, a large feast was held in honour of all the people who lost their lives in the Battle. I could understand why Draco might want to avoid going to that.

“But why France?”

Scorp shrugged. “Any chance to frustrate me, I suppose.” I nodded, but didn’t quite understand. Scorpius and his father obviously had a very complicated relationship, but despite everything, I knew Scorp loved him.

I noticed Victoire and Teddy talking privately, and then Teddy spinning Victoire around in a hug. They both looked happier than I’d ever seen them.

“Let’s go,” I said to Scorp. “I think the newlyweds have something to announce!”

This story has reached 20,000 reads, thank you so much everyone who has supported this story! It means so much to me.

It's been a month since I uploaded D: Sorry! But I have a good reason for not uploading! It was holidays and I didn't have access to my laptop, and THEN my laptop decided to die on me and I don't have money to buy a new one just yet. It started working this morning though, so fingers crossed everything will work out! It's horrible having computer troubles, and it was my biggest fear that I had lost all my stories! Lucky that didn't happen.

Anyway, thanks for reading, please comment and I LOVE YOU ALL <3

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