Chapter 2

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Harry grabbed out a XL blue top and a pair of denim jeans and threw them at Draco, who caught them and went into the bathroom to change. Harry pulled on a red top and denim jeans and Nike sneakers. Draco came back out. Harry gave him a quick kiss and grabbed the pot of Floo powder. Harry grabbed a pinch of the powder and stepped into the fire place. He threw the powder and the emerald flames engulfed him. 'Starlight Cottage' He yelled.

He began to spin. He closed his eyes and held his breath. The spinning finally slowed down and he fell face first onto the ash covered carpet. He stood up, coughing and spluttering, when Draco fell un-gracefully out of the fire, but still maneging to stay upright. ' Ron! There here!' A female voiced yelled from the next room. It was unmistakably Hermione's. Ron rounded the corner, his red hair sticking up on weird angles. He smiled at the sight of his best mate.

'Harry!' He called, swallowing Harry in a hug. Ron let go of Harry and hugged Draco. Ron and Draco had forgotten there differences when Harry and Draco got together. Hermione rounded the corner, a small toddler sitting on her hip. Ron gently took the little girl from Hermione. Hermione gave Harry a hug, then Draco. The little girl who was now sitting on Ron's lap, who was seated on the couch, reached up to Harry. 'Uncle Harry!' She cried desperately. Ron and Harry laughed and Ron handed the girl to him. 'Hey, Lexi' Harry cooed.

It was just him and Ron in the room. Hermione had taken Draco to give him some spells to try and calm the labour pain. Lexi had her head resting on Harry's shoulder. 'Shes tired' Ron said. He sounded tired too. 'Where are the others?' Harry asked. 'Thalia and Matt are playing video games upstairs and Toby's asleep.' Ron said. 'Hows Draco's pregnancy going?' Harry thought for a moment. Pretty good, actually. Better that when Hermione was pregnant with the twins.' Ron laughed. 'Yeah, she was pretty bad.' Harry told Ron that he was going to find the twins.

He adjusted Lexi on his hip and walked up the the stairs and along the hallway. The walls had Long framed birth certificates. First Matt's, then Thalia, Lexi and last Toby. Two voices drifted down the hall to where Harry was standing. 'She shoots, and she scores!' A girls voice called down the hallway. Harry smiled to himself and walked down the hallway to where the voices were coming from.

A small girl, aged around 7, who had waist length curly brown hair was on her knees, bobbing up and down. A boy, around the same age, with spiked up brown hair was laying lazily back on a blue bean bag. 'Hey kids' Harry said, announcing his presence. The girl looked up first. She jumped to her feet and ran to Harry, wrapping her arms around his waist. 'Uncle Harry! She exclaimed, her voice slightly muffled, because her face was buried in Harry's stomach. The boy then got up and joined the hug. Harry laughed and wrapped his free arm around them.

There was a sound as if someone was walking up the stairs. Hermione's head rounded the corner. 'Dinner will be ready soon.' The twins nodded and headed back to their video game. Hermione turned to Harry. 'Just set Lexi down, I'm going to wake Toby.' Harry placed a now sleeping Lexi on a flower patterned couch and set of after Hermione to see Toby.

Hermione was sitting on the bed, cradling a bundled of blue blankets in her arms. She didn't hear Harry walk in. She seemed to be humming. Harry sat down on the bed next to her. She jumped. 'Oh Harry! Don't scared me like that!' She laughed. Toby was stirring is her arms. Harry motioned for her to pass Toby to him. He looked down at the baby in his arms. Hermione got up and left. Harry followed her out.

Harry trailed behind Hermione down the stairs and into the kitchen, where Ron and Draco were engaged in a conversation. They both looked up. Ron took Toby from Harry's arms. 'How old is Toby now? 4? 5 months?' Draco asked, looking into Ron's arms. 'Hes 6 months' Hermione exclaimed. 'Wow, 6 months' Harry mused. Hermione ushered them all over to a big dining table. She had served up plates with fried rice, chicken and baked potatoes. Thalia and Matt came running in, grabbed their plates and dashed back out. Ron and Harry laughed, Draco smiled.

Harry sat down,Draco next to him and Ron and Hermione across from him. 'Have you two got any name ideas yet?" Ron asked, spooning rice into his mouth. Draco gave Harry a look. 'Um, we have got the names, but we are going to keep them a surprise.' Harry said,entwining his fingers with Draco's. Ron smiled. 'Any hints?' He asked. Draco shook his head.

Hermione suddenly spoke 'Um, me and Ron have an announcement to make.' She said. Harry looked at Draco, who looked surprised. 'We're having another baby' She announced, grabbing Ron's hand. Harry jumped up and gave Hermione a kiss on the cheek. 'Congratulations!' Draco said, coming up behind Harry and hugging Hermione. After all the hugging and congratulating, they sat back down to finish their meal.

'How far along?' Draco questioned, scrunching up a napkin and throwing it on his plate. 'About 6 weeks.' Ron said. Harry looked at his two best friends. They had 4 kids under the age of 7, one of which was only 6 months old. Harry decided that this pregnancy must have been an accident. ' Told the kids yet?' Draco asked, interrupting Harry's thoughts. 'Nope. we are going to tell them soon though.' Ron answered.

Draco suddenly jumped up. 'Harry!' He yelled Harry looked over at him in mild surprise. 'Harry!' Hermione yelled 'What!' Harry asked, still not understanding. He looked at Ron, who had a blank look on his face as well. Hermione was standing next to Draco. 'Harry, Draco's is labour' Hermione practially screamed. Harry and Ron jumped to their feet at exactly the same time. 'He can't be! Hes only just over 7 months!' Ron yelled. 'Um hello! Person in labour here!' Draco screamed in pain. Harry rushed to his side and him and Hermione helped him to the fire place.Draco being supported by Harry and Hermione, stepped into the fireplace. Ron threw a handful of powder, stepped in and shouted 'ST MUNGOS!'


Um first of all i would like some reviews. PLEASE? just to know that people are reading my story and it isn't just my best friend Miki. Um also, this story is set 8 years after Hogwarts. Thalia  and Matt are 7 years old, but very mature for their age. Lexi is 4 and Toby is 6 months, i cant remember if i mentioned this in the story. If you see the name 'Mason' anywhere, i apologise cause Matt was originally called Mason. Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Tonks are not dead, never have been, never will be. =} Well they will die obliviously but they will be alive in my story. Now I'm just rambling. And on that bombshell, its time to end. GOODNIGHT!




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Furture apologys if the chapter is not long enough =}

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