Chapter 6 - Tonight

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Cabir briefed me about the project. Mr. Puneet Dhanrajgir, the 3rd richest Indian's daughter Soha was all set for a traditional Indian marriage in 3 months time and we had to design her wardrobe for all the 5 important functions including the wedding. He also informed me that we have an initial presentation and briefing with them in a week's time. Cabir spoke about a lot other details that I just pretended to listen because at that point of time the only thing that I could think about was the possibilities of "Tonight". Luckily the rest of the day I didn't have to face Manik as he was out but even that was also not of much help because through out the day his thoughts kept me occupied.

I hoped that some miracle would happen and time to stop. But to my dismay time was on wings that day, it flew by. By the evening I had calculated hundreds of options to stop him or to just divert his attention. I came home by myself. I really needed a shower to calm my senses down. It was as if my heart was throbbing in my mouth. I found myself looking for something nice to wear.

"What am I thinking??Have I gone crazy? focus Nandini focus you have to try to put him off and not turn him on. You cannot dress up to invite him", I rebuked myself. I was so nervous, my palms were frozen and I could think on nothing and no one else but Manik..

When Manik came home, I was on the verge of having a nervous attack but surprisingly he behaved quite normal. I was skeptical at first but then thanked god that he might have skipped the idea or may be his memory had gone on a vacation. We talked about my first day at office over dinner. When his shoulders brushed against mine while I was in the kitchen I could feel cold shivers down my spine. But he hardly gave any reactions, his behavior though did irk me a bit but I ignored it. After we were done and were almost ready to be off to bed. He began

"So are we ready??"

"For What??", I was sitting on my corner of the bed and pretended as if I didn't have a clue of what he was talking about.

"About the privacy you needed and I was ready to give." he reminded me.

"Manik....", I was gulping air

He crawled over the bed and to reach me. It felt as if I was the rabbit and he the hungry tiger. The bed seemed too small for the chase. As he came on me I fell flat on the bed, breathing heavily as if my oxygen supply was cut short. He clutched both my hands on either sides and came so close that I could feel his breath on me. His proximity was driving me crazy by all sense of it. I knew I couldn't escape and somehow I didn't want to. I was ready for being kissed senseless and was trying to figure out the tongue movements. The last two kisses had negligible amount of contribution from my side and I didn't want to appear like a nerd. I couldn't decide if I should close my eyes or keep them open and finally closed them waiting to be crushed under the warmth of his body. But nothing happened for a while, when I opened my eyes I found him smiling at me.

"I really don't know how to control myself with you around me. I am amazed at myself how have I been able to resist you so far. Trust me I am not this patient." he chuckled at his achievement.

I was still trying to read between the lines and decipher what he was speaking.

"I know you want it but don't quite want it.. so ask..ask me..whatever you have to..any doubts any questions anything about me and I know there are lots", he told me as he got up from me and let oxygen flow into my body at a normal pace.

I composed myself a little and sat straight to face him. It was stupid but I was ready to be smeared in him. After the whole build up for the day and scaring the hell out me he wanted to really. But to look at it otherwise, it was nice, like I was discovering a new Manik every now and then and I was enjoying this expedition.

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