Chapter 8

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I wake up to Bunny announcing something. "It's six hours until Easter. If I am to succeed, I need you guys to help me. Any volunteers?"

I get out of bed and slip on my sweater. I leave my room and float up the flight of stairs. "I'll help you, Bunny," I say. "And I know some other people who will too." I look at Sandy. I can tell he's getting the same idea I am. "It's enough people to get this done in an hour or two." I say.

"Okay," Bunny says. "I'll meet you guys back here. Just hurry, okay?"

I nod. Bunny taps his foot on the floor and a hole opens up. He hops down it and the hole closes. "North," I say. "Can we use a couple of your snow globes?"

"Yes, of course." I fly up to him and take the snow globes.

"Thanks, North." I say. "Sandy, let's go." Sandy flies up next to me.

"What's going on?" I hear Jack ask sleepily. I shake the globe, whisper, "Burgess, Pennsylvania." and toss the globe. It becomes a portal. Sandy and I fly through it. Lucky for us, we land right in front of Jamie's house. It's still a bit dark outside. We fly around to the back of the house. I open Jamie's window and slip in. Jamie lies on his bed. I gently shake him.

"Jamie, wake up." I say. He slowly opens his eyes.

"Jess...?" he says sleepily.

"How would you like to help out with Easter?" I ask.

He sits up. "Really, I can help?" he asks.

"Yeah, you and your friends and your sister," I say.

Jamie jumps up and slips on his shoes. "I'll go get my sister," he says. He leaves the room and Sandy joins me.

Jamie comes back a few seconds later, holding his sleepy sister in his arms. His sister sees me and it's like her energy is at it's peak. We all climb out the window and we fly around to the front of the house.

"Let's get your friends," I say.

Jamie takes off down the street to his left and Sandy follows him. I float after them, carrying Sophie in my arms. At the end of the street, Jamie turns right. He stops at the first house. Sandy picks him up and helps him see into a window on the second story. Jamie knocks on the window. It opens a few seconds later. This kid with blond hair and glasses stands at the window.

Jamie tells him our plan and the kid climbs out of the window. Sandy brings them both back to the ground.

"Uh, Jamie," the kid says, looking towards me. "I have a quick question."


"Why is your sister floating?"

I realize what he's talking about. He can't see me. He doesn't believe. Jamie gets a look of realization, so does Sandy.

"I'll tell you later. Right now we need to get the others." Jamie says. The kid nods and takes off down the street on our left. Sandy goes with him. Jamie continues down this street and I follow.

Jamie then stops at the sixth house, I think, and runs around to the back. He walks into the backyard and knocks on the window like he did at that blond kids house. The window slides up. Two boys stand there. One wears a beanie and the other has an afro looking type of hair style. The two boys look extremely similar. Then it hits me. They're twins. Jamie tells them our plan and the two boys eagerly climb out the window. Then they look towards me and their jaws drop.

"Don't even ask." Jamie says to the boys.

We head back down the street and meet up with Sandy and the others. "W-why is your sister floating, Jamie?" A girl that's wearing a beanie and has short brown hair asks this question.

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