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(Normal POV)

It was a bright, sunny day in Mobuis. Christina was walking beside her brother Sonic, along with their two friends Tails and Amy.

"Ahh... It's so beautiful outside today, don't you guys think?" Amy asks cheerfully, holding her books close to her chest.

"I agree, it does seem quite the beautiful day" agrees everyone's hero, Sonic.

"I love them, their so beautiful. It makes our school more interesting. What about you, Tails?" Christina asks, looking at her two-tailed best friend. Tails was more quiet than usual. His hands were in his pockets as he walked besides Christina. His head was low, and his ears were down.

Christina had a curious expression on her face as she saw her friend. Sonic looked over at him. "Hey buddy, what's up?". Tails looked up at him then shrugged, looking back down at his feet as he walked. He obviously had a lot on his mind. Maybe it was stress for the test? Maybe not enough sleep? He was very quiet, he usually would be asking everyone if they are prepared for the upcoming test.

Christina looked at him. She let Sonic and Amy walk ahead and she walked besides her best friend. She looked ahead as she walked. "... I know something is up. Can you tell me what it is?" Christina asked, her tone soft.

Tails looked at her, his expression blank. There was really something up."... Nothing. Stay out of this, okay?" He answers before lowering his head again. His tone was a bit cold, which is very unusual for him.

Christina was kind of shocked at his tone. He never really talked to her like that. It worried her even more. "... You know you can tell me, right? We are best friends, you know".

"I said it's nothing, please stop asking" he mumbled, his voice more colder than last time. Christina's eyes widened a little. Now, he never talked with that kind of tone.

"P-please...? You can tell m-" she began before Tails grabbed her by the shoulders. He looked into her chocolate brown eyes.

"I said it's nothing..! Don't get involved with this!" There was a distracted look in his eyes when he mentioned that. Christina looked down, clearly upset with how Tails is behaving towards her.

"A-alright... I get it.". She stepped away from her best friend. She lightly patted his shoulder. "... Whatever is making you upset... I hope it works out..." She says softly, giving him a small smile. She then walked ahead.

School when by pretty well, but Tails and Christina didn't really talk with each other. They didn't mention their little argument to Sonic and Amy during lunch. Sonic mostly talked with Tails , while Amy talked with Christina.

After school, Christina was walking by herself. She felt like tails didn't have any trust in her anymore. Maybe because she was a princess? She wasn't a normal girl, she wished she was. But she was just a ice princess, with a very annoying hedgehog for a brother.

Christina then walked by the park her, Amy, Sonic and Tails used to play at when they were kids. She walked over and layed down on the grass. She looked up at the bright blue sky. She then thought of tails. She signed and looked away. Why was she thinking about him so much? They were just friends.... Right?

After while, a certain two-tailed fox came up. His hands were in his pockets. He looked down at Christina, who looked up at him with surprise. He layed down on the grass as well, distance between the two. He looked up at the sky, his light orange hair gently blowing through the wind. His ears gave a small twitch.

There was silence between the two best friends. After awhile the fox spoke. "... Christina? I'm.. Sorry I acted like that earlier today. I was just... Stressed about something, but I couldn't come to conclusion on how I really felt on what I was thinking. I was frustrated with myself... That I couldn't figure this out. My inventions are must harder than what I was thinking about."

Christina looked at the sky. "... What were you thinking about..? That was harder to think about that then you're inventions?" She asked .

He was quiet for a moment, he then bit his lip. He looked at the sky. "I was thinking about you". Christina's eyes widened at that comment. She was the reason why he was thinking so hard? But, why would he be thinking about her?

"... I've been thinking for a couple of days. We've been best friends for awhile. Since we were kids, actually. But... I feel like I am in love with you. But... You're a princess, why would I think of a princess being with... Well, me?" He said quietly. He felt stupid for saying that. "Because I felt jealous when you were dating scourge. But now you're broken up.. I-I mean, I've liked you before you dated him... But, I just wasn't sure" he said.

Christina was quiet. "... Me being a princess has nothing to do if I'll date you or not. You should know that by now. But, I thought you didn't like me anymore, because all I am is a princess, I'm not a normal girl. You're love shouldn't  be spent on me, a ice princess." she said softly.

Tails looks at her. "... I don't care if you think you're not normal. I love you as a princess. I'll love you either way. My love for you is strong Christina. I want to make you very happy." He says.

Christina says quiet. She then looks at him, tears welling in her eyes. She smiles as the tears stream down her face. "... I love you to. I love you too much!" She says.

He smiles and gently cups her face, he gently wipes away her tears and softly kisses her. Her eyes widen at the kiss, but slowly she kisses back. The wind was blowing through their hair. It was a bright, sunny day in Mobuis.

The repeat of the first and last sentence makes this passage more moving, at least thats what my English teachers says when we write stuff like that in school.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2015 ⏰

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