A War Over A Tomboy!?!!

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  Yonghwa's POV
I was completely shocked. Why should Minhyuk love Ji-Su at this time? And what if Ji-Su's truth is revealed? And why is Jonghyun caring too for Ji-Su lately? "A war over a tomboy, impossible." Removing the idea out of my mind, I remembered that Ji-Su and Minhyuk are both drunk! Why? Why? Why from all the people in the world, I should be the one holding them home.
I ran to the table and moved Ji-Su up to my shoulders. I then told the lady to don't let Minhyuk move until I come back. Unfortunately I had left the car back at the dorm. Although it wasn't very far away, it was still hard walking this short distance with someone on my back. On my way back Ji-Su kept talking about Minhyuk, the perfect guy in her eyes.
-"Ji-Su why are you so heavy, what did you eat in there?"
-"Yonghwa ya I wanna eat you."
- "Haven't you gotten enough with eating."
-"aniya(no in korean) Ji-Su wants a big burger with frenchfries and Yonghwa."
-"I prefer you going home and then eating whatever you want."
-"Nope i wanna go to a restaurant."

    We ended up that day both drunk on the streets.

( You may ask now about Minhyuk? So yeah Minhyuk got into some trouble that day but got back home safe by the help of Jonghyun and his  friend who were visiting the lady shop that day. ) In this case you shouldn't worry about Minyuk instead you should worry about us. The lost Yonghwa and Ji-Suk in the lonely streets. That night i couldn't remember anything except getting hit in the face by a strong-built man. Then getting droven by a taxi to a dorm.
Ji-Su's POV
That morning, i woke up due to the ringtone of my phone. It was my friend:
-"So how was your night at the dorm?"
- "Good.      Wait how did you know that I'm in the dorm."
-"Don't you remember anything?!"
- "Now, come on and tell me directly what's going on."
-"Last night i met you at the restaurant with that idol, Yonghwa or something, he was talking about a bunch of crap and got up to hit me, then i didn't have any other choice other than punching him, and taking you to the dorm."
- "Wait you punched Yonghwa. OMG his pride must hurt a lot now."
Yonghwa's POV
I entered room 423 Ji-Su's room to see her talking on the phone and  laughing.
-Hey, You what's going on.
- Then why are you laughing?
-K, i got it now get ready we are heading back to work. We're late already.
- OK, red faced Yonghwa.
- Wait, don't think that somebody punched me so my face is red.... I mean, my face is, my face is red, because, I hit it with the door just now.
- Ohhh, clumsy YONGHWA!
Going back to the training room with Ji-Su was very embarassing since on our way back he kept talking about people getting punched in the face when they're drunk and things like that. But finally we arrived to the dorm. Unfortunately CEO Lee was waiting out for us.
- "Ji-Su who gave you the chance to stay out and miss the night practice?" the CEO muttered angrily.
" I was just, I mean.... I was..."
With Ji-Su saying that I shut her mouth with my hand.
" Oh, CEO I was very sick yesterday and Ji-Su spent all his time with me. It's my fault, i'm sorry."
" Oh YONGHWA did you get better, are you hurting anywhere?"
" Oh yeah, I'm hurting a lot. Thanks for caring CEO."

    Yaaa Ji-Su are you crazy what are you trying to say to the CEO??!That we were drunk and spent the night in a dorm. Now you should only wish that rumors won't spread.

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