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I open my eyes, only to hear my alarm sounding off, indicating that it's 6:30. I groan, rolling over to turn it off.

I see Syd stretch her arms, giving me a smile before setting her feet on the ground and walking towards her drawers.

I do the same, pulling out a pair of leggings and a pink sweater. I get my books together, preparing myself for my first day at Penn State.

I go to our bathroom, brushing out my hair as Syd puts on her makeup.

"So, what happened with Johnson last night?" She asks with a smirk, wiggling her eyebrows at me. "Nothing of your concern," I say with a smile, looking at my feet.

"And what about that Sam kid? He seemed really into you," she adds, turning back to the mirror. "Jack told me he's bad news. I can already tell, though. He told me to give him a dance," I say, rolling my eyes. "So?! He's fucking hot. You should've done it," Syd says, laughing after she realized what she said. "I don't want to be labeled as one of those girls. Yeah, I hooked up with Jack last night. But that's different. Jack doesn't fuck around, because when we first met he didn't attempt to get in my pants, even at the party when he was drunk and high," I say, smiling while thinking about Jack. "Honestly, I think you should get to know Jack better. I could see you two together," Syd says, giving me a wink before walking out of the bathroom.

Forget Sam, Jack is who I should be focused on.


I walk down the clean campus sidewalk, making my way to my first class; English.

"Hey, wait up!" Someone calls to me, causing me to stop and turn around.

"Uh, hi?" I say, questioning why Sam wants me to "wait up" for him.

"Where are you heading?" Sam asks, running a hand through his hair. "To English... is there something you need?" I ask, looking up to meet Sam's eyes.

"Damn, is it bad I wanted to have a conversation with you?" He asks, scoffing at the attitude I gave him.

"Yeah, it sort of is. I don't tend to have conversations with boys who ask me to 'give them a dance,' " I tell Sam, walking through the doors of the building.

As I do so, an arm slings around my waist. "Hey," Jack says, giving me a smile before turning his gaze to Sam. "Everything okay...?" He asks, noting the obvious tension between Sam and I. "Uh, yeah! What class do you have now?" I ask him, ignoring Sam's scoff as I turn my attention to Jack.

"English, you?" He asks. "Same," I add, giving him a smile. "Looks like we'll be doing this every day then; I'm in the class too," Sam says with a dumb smile plastered on his face, trying his best to get on my nervesr. "Well isn't this just great," I say with a sarcastic smile, earning a laugh from Johnson.

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awkward ending but I wanted to finally post so :)

frat boy ; sam wilkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now