Chapter 3

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I wanted to try something new and make a chapter trailer for this story !

Highlight it, hit define, search Web, and you can watch it ^.^



"Mani," Camila whined as she walked hungrily into her room, "Can we go to Krispy Kreme today ? I've been craving to try those banana donuts"

Sunday mornings were the day Normani and Camila played Maroon 5's song Sunday Morning and went out for breakfast. They had started that tradition ever since they were 13 and haven't dropped it ever since.

Normani slowly began to wake, the warm sensation of the puppy nudging into her neck. She yawned and stretched her sore body out.

"Come in here Camila"

The door creaked and in stepped in the Latina. She was wearing her favorite yellow hoodie, gym shorts, and some flip flops. Her waves were in a sloppy bun and her headphones hung from her collar.

"Oh come on Mani ! Get up, let's go !"

"And what about Ally ?"

"What about Ally ?"

"I can't just leave my baby behind."

Camila groaned, "Just get up and come on. I wanna get the fresh donuts this morning"

Ally just licked Normani's cheek playfully and ran out of the room before anything could happen. All that could be heard in the distance was Normani gagging at the wet sensation on her cheek. Even though it was only her second day in the household, Ally truly did love it there. Camila would play with her and Normani would shower her with love, it seemed almost magical.


"Okay Mila, I paid last week, so now it's your turn," Normani informed as she finished applying her lipstick. She was just about ready to go out.

"Actually Mani I paid last week. Remember ? We went to Szechuan Café and we had to leave early because your stomach couldn't handle the-"

The brown skin girl immediately shut down the memory, "Okay okay ! No more Szechuan anyways, that place was unsanitary"

Normani grabbed her keys from the counter and pouted at her best friend, "I'd hate to leave Ally"

"Mani we're just going to pick up donuts and come back, it's literally a 10 minute walk"

"I know but she's like my little pookie, she's too cute to resist"

Camila rolled her eyes before grabbing her friend's arm, "Come on, the donuts are probably cold now"

"Okay, bye Ally. We'll be back !!"

Right at the moment the farewell left her lips, the puppy came running from around the corner. Her fur blowing in the little wind she created as she ran, the sight was cute. Once she caught the sight of Normani, Ally sprinted wanting to receive some love.

There Normani stood expecting Ally to be clawing at her ankles but was given so much more. Once the puppy leaped up ready to give her a puppy pounce, something more erupted. A sudden bright flash erupted throughout the room and Normani's body was knocked directly to the ground with a thud.

Normani groaned in pain at the unexpected stress put upon her body. Ally must've packed a punch, damn that dog had some strength.

"Holy shit," Camila's cursing brought the fallen girl's mind back to reality, "Um, Normani..."

The girl blinked to an array of light brown hair draping over her and even bright brown eyes staring down at her.

"Hi Normani !" The girl chirped, a smile appearing on her face.

Normani scrambled away from the girl in surprise. Who the hell was this ?! She just appeared out of nowhere and tackled her. What kind of twisted game was this ?!

"No no Normani, I'm sorry" The girl frowned and tried to comfort the brown skin girl, but Normani immediately crawled away in fear. She didn't know what the hell was going on and how this naked female ended up on top of her.

Normani latched onto Camila frightened, "Mila, where did she come from ?" Soon another question hit her, "Camila, where's Ally ??"

"Ally ? That's me !" The girl chirped pridefully.

Both of the huddled girl flinched in surprise. Normani leaned closer to Camila, "Oh my God"

Ally's face dropped, "Hey ! Don't use his name in vein ! That's not good... Well that's what I was told"

"Mila, I'm calling the cops"

"Cops ? Is that a food ? Can Camila and I make it together ?" Ally clapped frantically.

"This cannot be happening. I was jumped by a naked woman. In my own home. Oh my savior."

Camila pointed her finger, "Technically it is our home-"

"Camila this is not the God damn time !!"

They completely forgot about the smaller girl in front of them who growled at the mention of God. This was strange, really strange.

"A-Ally come here," The girl gladly obeyed and sat herself down on the taller girl's lap.

Ally's face practically was glowing with happiness, "Yes Normani ?"

Hesitantly, Normani reached for behind the girl's ear and gave it a tiny scratch. The girl in her lap shuddered at the sensation, her leg shaking and her body quivering at the contact, just like the puppy did.

"Holy shit, it's Ally" Camila took the words right out of Mani's mouth. But... How did their puppy turn into a human ?

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