Holding Them

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A/N: I dedicate this to every fan out there who will never get to see the boys in concert, who will never get to hold them in their arms, but are still here anyway. You are SO strong, I know how hard it is to love someone who you'll never get to touch. This one goes out to all of you, because you are loved just as much as the fans who get to tell them to their face. So, here's this. Nothing too unrealistic, nothing too expensive, nothing too long. Just a quick little scenario you can read when tears are rolling down your face and you want nothing more than to have them wipe 'em all away. A quick little escape to remind you of this:
You are not alone.


It was a cold fall morning, and all I wanted was my coffee. I pulled an all nighter studying for my biology test, and my mind was a complete blur. Well... studying and blogging about One Direction, but that's a different story entirely.
I waited at the crosswalk, anxiously bouncing up and down, eyeing the corner coffee shop from across the way. I checked my watch, and scowled at the time. I was expected at school in twenty minutes to give my English presentation, but settled on the fact that it probably wasn't going to happen.
When the sign finally turned to "WALK" I scurried across the street, anxious to step foot in the warm coffee shop.
I dodged a couple on the sidewalk before hopping out in front of the doors, brushing myself off, and entering the quaint little shop.
Being dazed and confused, I made a bee line to the woman at the counter.
"What can I get for you this morning?" She asked, looking me up and down. I could tell that she disapproved of my tangled hair, mismatched outfit, and soon to be. tardiness.
Ignoring her judgmental stares, I politely ordered a peppermint latte with two extra shots. She pressed her lips together, wrote down my order, and told me the amount to pay. I gave her exact change without a tip, knowing that she didn't deserve one.
"It'll be ready soon." She blandly spat at me. I just condescendingly nodded, not wanting to be put in a mood. I moved to the end of the counter and waited for my drink while staring at the ground and wishing I was asleep.
"Peppermint latte!" The gentleman from behind the counter announced. I snapped my head towards him and walked up, thanking him for the drink.
I laced my fingers around it, letting the warmth seep into my hands and flow through my arms. I spent a split second debating on whether I should bring this on the go with me, but determined that if I was going to be late, it would be worth it.
With that, I went to the far back corner of the café, keeping my head down all the while, and took a seat. I sighed in relief when I was finally off my feet.
After taking multiple sips of my latte and letting it slowly zap me into reality, I began to observe the rest of the little coffee shop. The lady behind the counter was sitting on a stool, angrily staring at her phone. Well, I didn't know if she was actually angry, but her face was always tightly pinched in disapproval, so I was left to assume.
I scanned the rest of the coffee shop and was surprised to see that I was the only customer, besides a group of four boys in the opposite corner of me. At first, I didn't pay them much attention. However, there were little bits of them that seemed incredibly familiar. For example, there was a boy on the end who's bun was only visible over a younger boy's dirty blonde hair. And the boy on the other end had cheekbones that were incredibly defined, with just a bit of stubble growing on his chin. The other boy who was sitting with his back faced to me was sturdy and tall, seeming incredibly strong. I noticed their little features, now paying closer attention. The boots on the boy with the bun, the vans on the boy with the cheekbones... and that was it.
At first, I just froze. All of the sudden too afraid to make a move and embarrass myself or draw attention. Because... that was THEM. The boys across the coffee shop were the boys who brought me out of my depression. The boys who saved my life. The boys who made me smile when nobody else even cared if I smiled at all. They did everything for me, and here we were.
After the initial shock and slight recovery, I broke down. The volume and weight of the entire situation crashed into me, and I couldn't take it. I planned this out so many times in my bathroom mirror. What would I say? How would I act? But now that it was happening, that was all forgotten.
I quietly let the tears slide down my face while continuing to admire every little bit of them, head to toe. As I kept thinking of the situation, I got more and more emotional.
Finally, not meaning to, I let out a loud sob. It was just one, but it was loud enough to pierce through the tranquil atmosphere of the coffee shop and bring all eyes on me.
Harry immediately looked concerned as he noticed my state of disarray, and slowly got up from his chair.
When I noticed he was making his way over to me, I began to hyperventilate. All the while, in the midst of everything, I kept silently cursing myself for being such a mess.
However, Harry didn't skip a beat. He came up and took the seat in front of me, pulling it around the table so we were knee to knee.
Then, he took my hands and looked me straight in the eye, whispering, "Love? Love... it's okay. I'm here, it's all better, love." His words seemed to melt out of his mouth, and I began to control my deep breaths.
"That's it, love. Keep looking at me. It's okay, I'm not going anywhere." He reassured me over and over until I finally had my breathing under control. Once I was able to function in somewhat of a normal state, I quickly skirted my eyes across the shops again. The bitchy employee didn't even bat a fake eyelash as she kept scrolling through her phone. The rest of the band, however, was all focused on me.
I looked back at Harry, and he squeezed both of my clammy hands. "Would you like to meet the rest of the band as well?" He patiently asked.
I took more deep breaths, closed my eyes, and shakily said, "Yes, thank you." I opened my eyes and he was softly smiling at me. I began to stand up and he guided me, setting his hand on my back. We maneuvered through the tables and chairs until reaching their large table.
I stayed silent, tears still streaming down my face, and made eye contact with each and every one of them. They all gave my soft looks of understanding, and it calmed me down to know that they weren't judging me.
"Well, I'm Harry, this is Niall, Liam, and Louis." He jokingly pointed at each of them, his other hand still resting on my back to comfort me.
"N- nice to meet you." I chuckled at Harry's introduction, and looked into his now sparkling eyes. As if I didn't know who they were. "Oh, erm, I'm y/n." I introduced myself.
"Nice to meet you, y/n!" They all said in unison. I nodded, and couldn't take it anymore. I took a deep breath and flung myself towards Niall, wrapping my arms around his neck.
He grunted in surprise, but soon wrapped his arms around me and melted into the hug, sighing in content.
Then, I forced myself to part ways with him and hug the rest of the boys. Liam's hug was the most cuddly hug I had ever experienced. He held me gently, rubbed my back, and rested his chin in comfort on my shoulder. Louis' hug was the exact opposite, but incredible nonetheless. His hug was lighter, more fluffy. He didn't hold on as tight, but he did it with so much passion that I knew he meant it just as much. Then, there was Harry. He opened his arms wide as I walked towards him, and he was smiling from ear to ear. The minute we collided, I felt at home. He smelled like home, he felt like home. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, barely leaving room for me to breathe. Barely leaving room for tears anymore, and I think that was his secret goal.
When we parted, they all looked at me expectantly. At first, I felt pressured and confused. But soon thereafter, I knew exactly what I wanted to do.
I inhaled sharply once, and let it all out, "I love you all so, so much." I confessed, "I know you've heard that bunches and bunches of times, but I want you to hear it again. You all mean the world and more to me. You saved my life. Please never let anyone get you down, never let anyone tell you you're not good enough. If they ever do, think of me. Think of how you changed my entire life. Think of the fact that if it weren't for you, I may not be alive at all. You do such incredible things every day whether you know it or not, and I thank you for that." I gasped for air at the end of my speech, and that made Niall chuckle.
"You saved us too, you know." Louis said to me, looking me straight in the eye. Hearing those words from him made my breath catch in my throat. Hearing that reassurance come out of his mouth gave me incredible hope.
"We love you just as much as you love us, babe." Liam began, "Even before we met you, we loved you so much. If it weren't for each and every one of you, we wouldn't be where we are today." He looked me dead in the eye and revealed.
Harry lay a hand on my shoulder, gently turned me towards him, and said, "We may be your world, but you're ours. Even if you hadn't have met us today, you would have still been our world. Forever and always."


A/N: I wanted to keep this at a bit of a cliffhanger so you could come up with your own ending!
However, please don't discount the message that I was trying to convey, the boys love each and every one of us so much. Whether we spend thousands of dollars on them or not even a dime. To them, we're their lifesavers... and they're the same to us. Don't you get it? We've never met them and we still love them this much, so who's to say that just because they haven't met us they can't love us just as much?

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