Twin Problems

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"MERINDA!! THEY'RE HERE!!" I hear my twin brother Calum yell from downstairs. Today is the day he's gonna introduce me to his bandmates. I know it seems like I should've met them by now, but every time they've been at my place I'm not there. 

There are 4 of them now since they recently added a drummer to their group. His name is Ashton, and he sounds pretty cool. Calum already told me all of the boys are off limits though. 

I run downstairs and end up tripping over my feet, and landing on my face at the bottom. I'm not on the ground for long before an adorable tall blonde boy runs over and helpd me up.  

"Are you ok!?!" He has a really worried look on his face, while the other boys are still just laughing. 

I nod and smile shyly, and feel myself blush. By now Luke is blushing too, and things suddenly get really awkward. I just walk over to Calum and smack him on the head for laughing. He just pouts and I roll my eyes. He then suddenly remembers why everyone's here in the first place.

"Boys, this is Merinda. Menrinda, this is Ashton, Michael, and Luke." When he gets to Luke I smile. He smiles back and winks. Of course I end up laughing, and everyone but Luke looks at me as if I'm insane. 

Luke starts laughing to and after a few minutes we both stop. He has a look on his face I can't read, and as the night goes on I catch him staring at me often. 

The boys stay until late and we end up ordering pizza and watching Mean Girls. Apparently Luke really likes the movie, and he and I quote the movie as we're watching it. 

At the end of the night all the boys start to leave and I walk Luke out. 

"It was really cool to meet you, Luke." I smile at him and blush.

"It was really cool to meet you too." I start to walk back inside, but he grabs my wrist. I turn around, and feel his lips on mine. I kiss back, and after what feels like forever he pulls away for air.

I smile then we hear cheering from inside and someone yells, "YEAH LUKE GET SOME!!" I think it was Michael...

We crack up laughing and that started a relationship that would last a lifetime. 

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