14. Took About 5 Shots

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Took About 5 Shots

Jasmine's POV


"Aye, can I make a delivery?" I ask as the person on the phone answers my call.

"Can I get one medium pizza Fiery Hawaiian, four piece spicy chicken wings, vanilla-strawberry milkshake with cream on top, and one water." I say, as if I am doing a free-style rap.

"Jasmine. Yeah, thanks." I hang up.

It costs £75 but as y'all all know I'm a 18 year old unemployed chick!

I ain't paying sh!t!

My brother's aren't home, y'all know what that means, the only way to fix it is do the thing I'd never promise to do ever since my bestfriend, Erica.

-10 minutes later


I pull my shorts down exposing my pink thin-lace knickers.

Erica would have this technique where she would act slutty when she answers the door to get free food.

1. Wear a thin shirt. Check

2. No bra. Check

3. Visible nipples. Check

4. Remove pants. Check

5.Flirt. Check

Chris's POV

The doorbell rings and I answer the door to see a young adult.

"Order for Jasmine."

I put my hands on my pocket looking for my wallet.

"Wait." I say as I walk to me and Jasmine's bedroom.

Jasmine walks out of the room and my eyes instantly wonder to her visible breasts,she smirks and then sways her hips as I stop in my tracks, I need a minute to why is she half-naked? What is going on?-

Woah, it all makes sense now, she isn't going to...

Before I could stop her, she's already hypnotizing the young doucchebag.

She licks the what-seems-to-be vanilla strawberry mix milkshake with cream topping on top. (A/n inspired by the movie hot chick 😂😂)

"Mmm, so good." she giggles.

I gag as I watch him lick his lips way too much. Bruh, you need some chap-stick if you gonna lick your lips all the time, to moisturize it, it don't work like that, it only makes it more chapped.

"Really, thanks!" she says as she collects the food from him and winks.

I sit down at a chair, I cross my legs patiently waiting for her to close the door.

They stop flirting and exchange goodbyes. She closes the door, slurping the milkshake.

"You're lucky I didn't beat his as$"

"You didn't pay, tho." She turns around giving me a 'bish whet' look

"Did you not see the way he looked at you? He looked like a hungry hyena!" I complain.

she takes about 2 seconds to respond "You mad,bro!?" she says in a attitude and cocks her head to the side.

I stand up walking to her, fuming. I pinned her in the wall, she drops her milkshake in fear.

MaryJane -» chris brownWhere stories live. Discover now