My Queen

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As the days went by you couldn't help but feeling gleeful, soon the little pest would be gone and then there would be no one in your way!~ You called in a favor with another witch, with Madoka tagging behind her all the time it would be easy to get the girl when she least expects it. It was just a matter of time, you were surprised that the others hadn't noticed her acting different, then again they haven't been around her long enough to know how she truly acts. The only one who showed signs of knowing was Homura, but she wasn't much of a threat to you. Your (e/c) orbs shined with amusement as you walked around the town with them, you could feel you "friend" getting close. 


You watched from the sidelines as the already half dead Mami looked at you all with pleading eyes right before she was eaten, you tried not to laugh but only managed to make it seem like you were quietly sobbing, once Homura finally killed the thing everyone was a mess. "This is why.." The purple eyed girl said with a dull voice. "This is why I don't was any of you to become magical girl..It's not all fun and games!" You wanted to just sit there a bit longer, the sadness and depression in the area was such a wonderful little thing. "It's too bad.." You couldn't help but say. No one said anything, how could they? They witnessed a powerful girl be brought down by a witch, only a few days after they had been offered the same position.

Once you were away from them you let out the laughter you were holding back, it was too fun messing with those girls!~  You wondered just which one you would mess with next, oh so many options but so little time!~ You smiled as you went to an abandoned little house near the end of town, the place you stayed in, not many people would come near it or know of it. A little place to call your own until you would leave, sure after studying to places the Walpurgisnacht you found out that it most likely wouldn't hit your area, but considering the fact that it could change you rather not take your chances. 

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