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"Taylor I'm sorry I didn't me-"

"No just leave I'll see you around.."he spoke getting off of me.

"S-so are we over."

"It's for the best I don't even know why I was dating you.."

I got up storming out the door I'm not the type to cry over a boy.. I just get mad.

He wasn't shit anyways fuck him I thought as I walked home.

It was getting dark out and I seen a little park that I used to play at when I was a child.

I sat down at a bench and looked up at the stars.

I don't even know where I am...

It's cold and I'm upset I just wanna punch something.

A tear fell out my eye and I quickly wiped it away.

"Mommy why does that gwirl wook scary."some little boy with his mom said holding her hand .

"Hunny it's just smeared makeup ... I'm so sorry about that here.."the woman said giving me a wipe.

I threw it on the ground being stubborn...

I'm pissed.

Hour later (10:35) random number..

I laid on the bench letting everything out.

"Get up."I heard.

I ignored it thinking it was some park dude trying to clean or something...

"I said get up Kylie !"


Bad * Taylor CaniffWhere stories live. Discover now