Mr. Perfect, huh? (Kathryn Bernardo-Enrique Gil) KathQuen Fanfic

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Note: It's more like related to real life. :D Love and Friendship, though.

There were standards that Enrique Gil felt he had to keep. High ones. When one held the responsibilities he did, and had to serve as a respectable role model for others of the same age, there really wasn't much choice.

Not only was a professional disposition necessary, but so was a certain degree of courtesy, etiquette, and, in some cases, charm.  A decent amount of talent, either at work or in the arts, never hurt either.

He had long ago discovered the respect and admiration he received, from adults and his peers alike, for his maturity level and giftedness. And while some days the workload was overwhelming, Quen counted himself privileged for having this early experience of responsibility.

Most of the time. Really, everytime.

It has been a long day. A very tiring day..

Enrique sat tiredly in the back of his family's limousine as it made the journey from the university back to the house. A considerably extensive stack of papers was packed securely into his briefcase-like bookbag, which rested on the seat beside him. Not only did he have his daily schoolwork to worry about, but he was required to make a speech to the fourth years tomorrow – a speech congratulating them on their hard work that had recently helped win Ateneo a position as one of the top schools in the country (like it wasn't up there already), and then an informative segment about the new standardized testing system the university was adopting.

Quen didn't expect any student to take that last bit of news well, but part of his job was to make it seem worthwhile. Or at least bearable. He wasn't sure how many of them would actually fall for it, though.

He really didn't want to think about it at the moment. He just wanted to relax at home this evening, and only look his notes over right before he went to bed. He'd rehearsed enough the last few days, anyway – he knew what he was doing. The notes were really only there for reassurance, purely a just-in-case. The important parts of this speech weren't all that hard to remember, by this point.

He let himself out of the vehicle when it stopped in the driveway, and trooped into the fairly large and lofty house. Another privilege, that was – though this one had nothing to do with his accomplishments, but rather those of his father. Said father wasn't back yet, and Quen's stepmother had gone out to visit some friends, according to what the maid told him.

He thanked her, grabbed a small bag of pretzels from the kitchen cabinet, and took his things upstairs to do his assignments. Ever since he had started eating food that Kathryn Bernardo made and learned to appreciate the simple delights of eating again, snacks like bagged pretzels had become pretty boring, but he couldn't pester that sweet girl for food all day long. As much as she liked seeing him and serving him delicious food, and as much as he liked seeing her and eating that food, there had to exist a careful balance so he wouldn't seem too demanding.

Ah, Kathryn…

With a sigh, Quen managed to get his mind off of his love interest and bring his attention to what needed to be done: homework. He was exhausted, but not so much that he couldn't pull through it. It didn't take too long – Quen didn't struggle very much academically, though he did and always would hate civics – but by the time he was finished and had moved on to attempting a little reading, he found that he didn't even want to think for a while. It was just one of those days when his brain screamed at him to take a break from running the Responsibility Marathon, even if he was ahead, because it never had a finish line anyway.

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