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Hey guys! I was just gonna let you know that I'm not gonna be updating as many times as I used to since school just started, but I am gonna tell you that when i do update, I woll be updating more of the book at a time to at least there is that. Also, I just found out that the original script for NATM Batle of the Smithsonian actually had a lot more scenes with Ahkmenrah in it. It makes me so sad that they changed the script. Honestly, I think that even though the movies are avout Larry, but since the Tablet DOES BELONG TO AHKMENRAH he should be the main character since he is technically the one responsible for the whole museum-coming-to-life thing. I just think it's not fair that they would do this to me. *cries* But I have a picture of some of the script above. And by the way, IT'S NOT FAIR. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy me sequel! byeas!

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