This Has Got To Be Hell

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Alexander's POV

With my eyes squeezed shut I waited. Why isn't anything happening? I heard the bullet, I felt the pain. Why haven't I gone to heaven. With one last sigh, I open my eyes. What the hell?

"Geez, I thought you guys were going to kill me." I said with a hint of humor. I looked up at those two goons, and I got no reaction. They weren't even looking at me. After what felt like an hour George finally said something, "Well, looks like the boss won't be happy about not getting his money, but at least we won't ever have to chase this asshole again." What? I noticed that they were staring at the ground and not me, so I followed their gaze.

What I saw ran shock through my entire body. There lying on the dirty alley pavement was my body, mutilated with a gunshot wound. Hey, that was my favorite shirt! I paid good money for that shirt. Then something interrupts my thoughts; why am I laying on the ground with a bullet in my body?

No, this isn't happening. It all has to be a dream, right? A horrible nightmare that I will wake up from. I can't be dead, if I was dead I'd be with my family. I'd be with my parents and Steve. This can't be true.

With panic, I looked back up to realize they started walking away. No, I need answers. The next thing I know, I've ended up right in front of them. What just happened. How did I get here so fast? Whatever, it doesn't matter. "Hey, don't leave. What have you done? Can you hear me?" Nothing, no reaction what so ever. So I decided to try something else. I walked up to one of them and tried pushing him. "Ahh!" Well that didn't work. I just fell right through him.

Oh God, I'm a ghost. I didn't go to heaven, I didn't even go to hell. I'm stuck here on earth, doomed to never live again. I have to stay here and watch everyone else go on living. What kind of punishment is that? This has got to be hell.

No, I can't give up. I have to find somebody to help me. With one last look at my cold, rotting body I take off out of the alley. This better work, I'm not staying like this forever. Once I get to town I start trying to get people's attention.


I tried everything. Nothing's worked, everyone just keeps on walking passed me. Some people even walked through me. Oh! What about the police station! They're bound to have psychics, right. That's what happens on tv shows. Every department has a psychic.

Without even thinking about it I'm standing in a detectives office. Wow, that really comes in handy sometimes. Why couldn't I have that while I was alive? It would have made things a hell of a lot easier.

As I look around I realize that almost no one is here. Aren't they supposed to stay here for emergencies. Scoff, what amateurs. I look around the office at all the desks, and one desk in particular catches my eye. Sitting on a desk engraved in a wooden plaque is the name "Damon Jackson", is that the same Damon I meet yesterday. He had a detectives badge on didn't he? Is this him? I walk around the desk to get a better look. In the corner of the desk is a small picture frame with him and a blonde tall man. My breath hitches, it's him. It's the guy that makes my heart flutter in my chest. He looks so stunning, how can a man be so beautiful and elegant? I can't believe it; how come I'm only getting lucky after I'm dead?

I wonder where he is? Maybe he can help me. With a sudden woosh, I'm back in the alley I died in. What? Why am I back here? It doesn't make any sense. Wait, what's that? I hear voices. Did someone find my body?! Maybe I'll move on from here if I'm buried. That's got to be it!

With joy I run over to see what happening. But something stops me dead in my tracks. My body runs cold. Why? Why is he the one that finds my body? There he is that beautiful angel I meet only hours ago hunched over my body. The thing that makes me feel even worse is the fact that he looks like someone just told him that everyone he ever loves is dead. He's frozen on the ground with a blank look on his face. My heart tightens even further when I see that he has tears running full force down his cheeks. The blonde man I saw in the picture frame is standing next to him trying to get his attention.

Nothing is making him move. He's just sitting there, like a statue. He's crying for me? He doesn't even know me and he's crying for me. Does he feel the same way about me as I feel about him. I knew there was a connection when I first laid eyes on his heavenly face. Did he feel it too? What a cruel fate; to meet someone and feel so strongly about them in a matter of minutes, only to find their cold dead body ruined with blood.

"Damon, please get up. What has you so freaked out?" His blonde friend utters to him. I walk closer hoping to get a better view of what is happening. And then I hear it, a voice that makes butterflies flutter in my stomach. "That's him Oliver, that's my soulmate." He whispers is a soft pained murmur. I'm his what? Soulmate?

I see the color drain from the taller man's face. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry Damon." Damon scoffs, "I guess my mom was right, witches never get a happy ending." Witches? He's a witch? Yeah right, witches don't exist. But earlier today, I didn't believe ghosts did either.  If he's a witch, does that mean he could help me? It's worth a shot, right.

"Hey, don't think like that, you'll find some one else." The blonde man said. For some reason that struck a nerve in my body. What I didn't expect was what happened after. I could feel the fury radiating off of Damon in waves. "How dare you! There is no one else! He can't be replaced, don't you get that?! He is my soulmate. The one person supposed to bring me happiness in my life. How could I replace him?" I feel the ground start to shake. What the hell? How is he doing that? Is he really a witch? I watch the blonde man get set into a state of panic. "Woah, calm down man, if you cause an earthquake people are gonna start noticing. I'm sorry, ok? Not a witch, remember? I don't understand the whole, 'one person for life thing.' I mean have you seen the amount of men and women who leave my house on a daily basis?"

That makes me chuckle, "He defiantly seems the type, doesn't he?" After I say that Damon whips his head in my direction so fast, he could have given himself whiplash. When his eyes find mine the world stops. He can see me. He can see me! Oh thank god.

"You can see me, can't you?" I say with hopefulness in my voice. He doesn't answer, it's like he's stuck in shock. For the fist time this night I see him break out into a full ear to ear grin. Then he starts to walk up to me. As he gets close I take a step back only to have him grab my wrist and bring me closer. Wait, he can see me and touch me? I'm saved!

He leans in to my ear and whispers something only I can hear, "Meet me in the alley a block from here in two minutes, we need to talk." As he pulls back I feel my cheeks heat up. How can I still blush if I'm dead? With a nod of my head I vanish and end up the alley he mentioned.

I'm finally able calm myself down. Man, he can really make a guy swoon. With a grin on my face, I stand and wait for my Knight in shining armor to come rescue me.

Two nights in a row! How crazy is that?
Just telling you guys that after I finish this book I plan to start a sequel to this one starring Oliver and Nathan.
As always leave a comment/vote and enjoy!


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