2 Kohnnie

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Kyle's POV

I walked over to my locker and opened it. Suddenly, a small white paper flew out. I picked it up, hoping it wouldn't be another rude note. I unfolded it and nearly screamed. Johnnie Guilbert, the hottest most popular guy in our school invited ME to a party.

No one knew this, but I was sorta... EXTREMELY GAY, and I may or may not have a huge crush of Johnnie.

I grabbed everything I needed and went to my next class. I couldn't stop thinking about the invitation. Then I remembered, it said that the party was... TONIGHT. that meant that when I get home, I have to immediately start getting ready.

Through out the rest of the day, I couldn't stop thinking about Johnnie and the party.

Once school finally ended, I started walking home. I stopped at a small store on my way there to get a Peace Tea. The walk felt quicker than it usually did, but I wasn't complaining.

Once I got home, I walked to my room and pick out an outfit. It was a black MCR shirt and some skinny jeans. I decided to wear my black Beanie too. After all that, I went and took a shower. It was a pretty quick shower, but no the less, I was clean. I got dressed and put on all of my bracelets.

The party started at 6, and it was only 4, so I had some time to waste. As the nerd I was, I ended up reading.

I was so caught up in a random book, that I almost didn't notice that I should go soon.

I knew I didn't have to tell my mom. Her and I we're sorta... well, you can just say, we didn't have a good relationship.

I started walking, and made it there just at 6:15. I walked up to the door ad knocked. Some one I didn't know let me in. That wasn't surprising though, because I barely knew anyone.

"Hey Kyle!!" Someone said. "The drinks are in the kitchen, and the bathrooms right there." I turned around to see that it was no other than The, Johnnie Guibert. 'Wait, he knows my name. YASSSSS' I thought to myself.

I walked to the kitchen, and saw pretty much only beer. I didn't want to be the lamo that didn't drink at the party, but I also didn't want to drink. I picked up a beer, and thought about if I wanted to drink it.

"Having trouble?" Johnnie asked. "You know, you don't have to drink."

"Uh, okay" I said, stuttering a lot.

I decided to just stick with water.

I went to the room where everyone was dancing. DARN, it was crowed. I stood alone for a long while, doing nothing but watching other people dance.

After about and hour, I went into the kitchen and grabbed a beer. I decided I'd try one.

I opened the can, and took a sip. The bitterness was disgusting, but I continued drinking it.

I started walking around, when I saw a room, with a decent amount of people. It turned out that they had been playing games. I walked in and joined.

They had just started a game of truth or dare.

"Hmmm, hey, Sweeto, truth or dare?" A cute brown haired fellow asked.

A cute guy with a darker shade of brown suddenly said, "hmm. To start off the game, I pick truth."

"Cough wimp cough" someone fake coughed.

"Okay, is it true that you... have a crush on someone in this room?"

"....... uh..... yes..... it is....." he said slowly. There was only boys in the room, so I see why he struggled saying it.

"Okay, hmm Bryan, truth or dare?" He asked a blond dude.

"I will pick... dare." The blond answered.

"Okay, I dare you to.... kiss someone in this room."

All of a sudden, the blond started practically making out with the person that dared him.

After a while, they finally broke.

They looked around nervously, "um I'm gonna go" the blond one said.

"I'm going with him" the one with brown hair smirked.

"Okay, so who's gonna go?" Johnnie asked.

"I will." Someone said.

We continued the game for a few more minutes, not much happened.

"Truth or dare.... Johnnie?" Someone asked Johnnie.

"Like you even have to ask." He answered.

"Okay, I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven." The darer smirked.

"K, someone give me a bottle." Someone handed him an empty beer bottle.

Johnnie spun it, and my heart stopped ever time it passed me. Then it started going slowly. Then it stopped, and... it landed on me!!!!!!! Oh no..what am I going to do?!?!

Suddenly, my thoughts we're interrupted by someone pulling me into a closet.

Johnnie shut the door quickly.

"I've waited for so long to do this" he said as he pushed me up against the wall and smashed his lips into mine. JOHNNIE FRIGGIN' GUILBERT IS KISSING ME!!!! is all I could say.

I started kissing back, then my arms we're pinned up against the wall too. He licked my bottom lip, and I was guessing it was to ask for entrance, which I didn't allow. Suddenly, he reached his arms down to butt and squeezed it, causing me to gasp. He took that opportunity to slip his tongue in my mouth.

Our tongues fought for dominance, and surprisingly, I won.

"KNOCK KNOCK!!" someone started banging the door. It had been longer than 7 minutes, but I wish that moment could have lasted forever. "ENJOYING YOUR SELVES" Someone yelled.

Surprisingly, Johnnie had said, "yeah, you got a problem?"

Then Johnnie started kissing me again. Out of everyone, Johnnie was kissing me. This is definitely the best day of my life.



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My name is blurry face.

Word count: 981 words

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