You're like the Sun you make me Hot

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It's Sunday again. They sit atop a green hill, side by side as they pick at the blades of grass. In front of them is a giant field of sunflowers. The sun is about to set, giving off an orange glow. Tiffany has her legs straight out while Jessica's legs are pulled in close, arms wrapping around them.

"Do you remember when you said I reminded you of warmth?"

"Of course." Tiffany laughs inwardly because it was a conversation they shared a week ago. Leave it to Jessica to bring it up now.

"I was thinking about it and it's funny because you make me hot."

Sometimes Jessica said things that could mean a billion different things. Tiffany gazes at her, a quizzical look on her face.

"What kind of 'hot?'"

Jessica speaks slowly as she holds her palm out, letting the wind blow away the blades of grass she had gathered.

"All kinds. The kind of hot that creeps onto my cheeks when you swoon me with your words. The kind that leaves me hot and bothered. The kind of hot that burns a fire in my chest, hoping that it never gets put out. All kinds of hot, Tiff."

It's Tiffany's turn to blush and grin. But Jessica's not done saying romantic things. She wraps her arms around legs again, head turned to face Tiffany.

"If I am your sunflower, then you are my sun. I will follow you wherever you go. I need you in my life, Tiff."

Moving across countries, leaving her behind or being left behind; what was there to really worry about?

Jessica had always been a woman of her words.

Tiffany cups her cheek and kisses her so softly that it throws Jessica off guard. When the brunette pulls back, she rests her forehead onto Jessica's and runs her fingers up and down the back of Jessica's neck.

"I love you. I love you. I love you."

Jessica smiles from ear to ear.

"I love you, too."

She says it with her eyes closed, eyes too blinded by the entity of this sun of hers.

When she breathlessly whispers, 'so hot' soon after, that beautiful, magical laughter from Tiffany lets her know that she's said the right words, done the right things, and is loving the right person.

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