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"Keep low," I shush him, pulling him into the store. "Not a doubt in my mind that this won't be a peaceful day."

His fingers are intertwined with my own and I somehow felt unsure, uncomforted by his affection. The way his arm would snake around my waist, planting itself firmly on a set position. Thoughts overwhelmed me in a surge of emotions that condemned me and made me feel less like myself, and more of who I was in college.

"How's work?" The same question thrown my way yet again, and my answer would always be 'it's fine' or a simple 'the same'. I didn't particularly find my job interesting or anything of the sort, it was an internship.

A twinkle in the corner of my eye seemingly grabbed my attention as I began speeding towards the display window. It was gorgeous - a white-gold Tiffany ring dazzled with diamonds that lined around it, sparkling under the spotlight of the display. My mouth slackened the moment my eyes landed on the price tag though, making me scowl in annoyance.

"Has the missus seen something?" He laughs, peering in as he sneakily manages to intertwine our fingers like branches of a tree. "A fat price tag, that's what. Look at that one-" I pointed towards the dreamy ring, sat in all its' black-case glory. "It's almost $650o. That's insane!"

He takes his bottom lip between his teeth before glancing at his watch. "Won't ya' look at that! Time for your appointment at that spa, isn't it? Now, I'll see you later."

* * *

Smoothing my clammy hands over the black dress like I always did, I felt a tad nervous. My hands were unusually sweaty and l was almost sure that my zipper wasn't up all the way, or I had mismatched heels. Either way, my heart was racing, pounding in my chest as he waved me over from the table in the back of the restaurant, white dress shirt and all. He looked so adorable in his button-up and navy pants, tailored to perfection as it hugged every inch of his body more so than my dress did for me.

We didn't do the whole couple thing very well - he wasn't used to pulling my chair out and I wasn't used to having my chair pulled out for me.

"I actually- I uh- Kinda- I got something for you earlier," His fingers comb through his hair yet again, his nervous little trait that made me feel special. A tiffany blue bag was placed on the table next to the centerpiece, and I chuckled, thinking it was anothe one of those gag gifts that he loved to purchase for fun. A rose stood upright in the bag, almost at attention, which I placed on the table with a small giggle that escaped my lips involuntarily.

A petite ring box was all that's left in the bag, and he prompts me to open it, lips quirked into a smirk, eyes watching with caution. "It's not another fake insect, right?"

Niall simply shrugs, placing his hand over mine to guide it into pulling the end of the ribbon to undo the butterfly knot. My mouth ran dry the moment the lid was off the small box, my gaze flickering from him to the contents of the case.

"Are you fucking serious, Horan?" I stared at him in shock, unable to fight the grin that was present on my face. "Isn't this the one I saw earlier?"

"It is, don't you like it?" Well of course, Niall. I also like the big fat price tag on it. "I do, Niall. It's just the price. They're literal diamonds! Are you insane?"

"Anything for the missus," He grins, and I can't help then and there but stand from my chair, grabbing his stubbled jaw to deliver a kiss. "It's more of a promise ring. Sappy, but s'a gorgeous ring."

"Thank you, I'll wear it everyday. Promise." And with that, the band was slid onto my finger, making me feel like a princess. I wasn't materialistic - I was just reassured. "But please don't ever buy me anything again. This ring is probably worth more than my entire life."

The stroll back to the hotel was quiet, his fingers laced into mine as he occasionally would turn his head to peck my cheek. Moments like these had me contemplating what was love - did you have to give someone your all? Did you need to receive someone's a-hundred-and-one percent? Did you have to give and receive? What was truly love in the first place? Maybe I didn't understand, and perhaps he didn't either. But we were happy in our blissful state of unknowing love, content with the accompaniment of each other. I finally had a hand to hold and someone whose heart was on their sleeve just for me. Someone whose sweet nothings would only be music to my ears..

The next morning was an absolute blur. Niall woke up in a coughing fit, blowing his nose with Kleenex every few minutes. I had multiple meetings in the afternoon, adding to the build-up of the pounding headache that made everything seem like it was spinning on a single needle. "You, Sir, are such a bloody burden," I groan as I rip open a new box of tissues, throwing it over to him. A smile etched onto his face, emitting a throaty laugh that sounded more as if he was choking. Reaching for his hand, he frowns before pulling it away from reach, saying, "It's all warm and sweaty."

"It's alright, bub.. I have to go for that meeting now. I'll see you at the show tonight," I said sweetly, pressing my lips to his flustered skin. "Love ya', darling!" He calls from the bed as I slip on my shoes and out of his hotel room. He'd tell me every day, reminding me that he loved me. But I just couldn't seem to tell him the same thing. I was afraid and scared to open my mouth in fear that something unpleasant would spill out from my lips.

* * *

"I've got to leave in a few hours," I grimace at the thought, and he frowns. "I'll see you on your birthday, won't I, though?"

"Yeah, you will.. Promise," He says, stroking my tangled hair that had split ends and not enough conditioner as my head rested on his lap. There was a certain smile that I couldn't seem to rub off from my face whenever he was around me. He was like the smell after rain, which I adored. It was what I'd associate with starting afresh - clean - as it washed away all the bad memories of yesterday. Niall loved how the only thing my Dad and I did over Skype was sing some of the Eagles' songs, and he'd sit at the side, away from view, watching us laugh until tears welled in our eyes. He seemed to notice every small detail and he'd never stop talking about his observations.

"Why don't we do something?" He mentions out of the blue, fiddling with my fingers where there was a scar from a bad skateboarding incident years ago. "Hmm? What exactly?"

I barely got the chance to speak before he hauled me up, pulling one of my legs over his so I was, in the most indecent way I could imagine, straddling him. For once his lips seemed like cotton candy and his breath now smelt like caramel popcorn. His face was inches away from mine, guiding my hand so it rested on the back of his head. We'd never really gotten past chaste kisses or pecks on the cheek, he knew exactly how nervous these things made me.

"Someone's giving me goosebumps right now," I'd whisper softly, averting my eyes downwards because simply looking at him made my heart race. "What a dick," He laughed, hands on my waist as he slowly but surely let his lips touch mine.

"You're such a pig," I said jokingly, and he'd place his hand over his heart in the most feigned offence possible. "Someone just hurt my feelings, what a dick," He'd say in my ear, before leaving a kiss right below it. "But I love her, so it's fine."

My breath caught in my throat as I was unable to elicit a response. He gazed at me intently and I knew what I should have said, but it felt so difficult to say something that meant so much. He knew I couldn't stand when the term was used lightly, and I'd only say it when I truly wanted to. Love was a state of true euphoria, not just something you said to clothes or a designer bag.

"I'm sorry Niall," I always apologised. "But you know how it is.."

He toys with the ring on my finger, pulling my hand up to leave gestures of his sweet love on my knuckles. "It's alright, Flo. One day, I'll bet you it'll happen."

Apologies it took so long! I'm having troubles with school and since exams are coming up it is literally the only thing on my mind. Kick ass as always! x

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