l Let Logic Run Rampant l

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Gretchen is 16 years young and being trained by government officials to be a meticulous problem solver. Her first assignment is to watch over a delinquent called Prisoner Sixty Six and decide a fair punishment. That is all the information the file she is given contains. Little does she know he is much more than a number.

Sixty Six was an artist before President Shrock was elected, and didn't let the new laws stop him from drawing. When he is ratted out by his own parents, he becomes prisoner to the government. A delinquent. He is now worthy of being spat on by the police. All for drawing pictures of the primitive world and focusing his attention on art.

Gretchen has one week to decide his fate. This one week changes her views on the world as she gets to know Sixty Six. Her revulsion to his illegal hobby disenagrates and she finds her self questioning the laws that are supposed to hold her country together. Could they really be tearing it apart?

Nothing is ever as it seems, and Gretchen must choose which side to take. Will the goverment win or will Gretchen be able to free Sixty Six from a cruel end? And will their love and understanding of each other stay or disappear? Watch Gretchen as she makes the most difficult choice of her life.

"Medicine, law, banking- these are necessary to sustain life. But poetry, romance, love, beauty? These are what we stay alive for!" - Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society


Copyright © 2012 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the author.

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