Chapter One l Erase All Creativity

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Welcome to the new world.

Let's hit the ground running. There is no time for small talk. This new world doesn't have time for your useless ramblings. It is too busy holding the woe's of humans on it's shoulders. Your empty words will get lost in the wind and carried away by the waves.

But I will tell you this. The world is healing itself. And it is all thanks to Murphy Shrock. "Our savior" is what the priests call him. He could be described many ways. Politician. Lawyer. Social Worker. Doctor.

Man in the clouds.

Some even add a little dramatic touch and refer to him in Latin as, "Angelus custos meus", which translates roughly into "My guardian angel" in English. Oh, that would be an interesting tattoo. I could imagine that inked across my wrist so I could see it every time I reached for something. Woah, I can't believe I just allowed myself to think that. Tattoos are illegal. I disagree with any and all art forms.

Back to Shrock. He is our president. The year? 2016. He won the election by a land slide last year. I was only fifteen when he made his famous speech. The speech that would make my own home land feel like a foreign country for a short period of time. I'm used to the new world now. It is scary how fast you can adapt. Scary indeed that I could forget so quickly what it was like to draw and sing and dance.

These activities were labeled as "ineffective to the prosperity of our people" in the new U.S Constitution, and were therefore banned. Police officers comb the streets and arrest anyone who dares participate in this wrongful behavior. And there isn't many who attempt to rebel. Either people accepted the new law last year, or they suffer in silence. You do not mess with the law.

President Shrock's word is law.

You have to follow the rules.

No exceptions.

Sure, at first the word 'dictator' raced across my mind when I studied his new laws. How controlling! I will have no freedom! What will I do for fun? But he explained himself, and I couldn't fight against his logic. Why waste time dwelling on entertainment when you could be healing the world? I would rather change someone's life than draw a pretty picture any day. According to Shrock, if we work for the greater good and keep up with the pace of constantly changing Earth, we will be happy in the end. We will be satisfied and fulfilled.

We will die being proud of our lives.

I believe 100% that our president is a wonderful man. But I know there are a few individuals who disagree, and I want so badly to change their minds. Why can't they see taking away creative practices will give us more time to cure diseases? End poverty and hunger? Banish our trillions of dollars of debt? The solution to these problems is so simple, so clear.

I want to change delinquent’s minds about our country's laws.

And that is why I am studying to become a government problem solver. A year ago when I flipped through my packet of careers, I came across it and my whole world lit up. I cut out the paragraph and taped it to my wall...

Government Problem Solver- No matter how efficient police officers are, some criminals will slip through the cracks. When caught, it will be your job to decide their penalty. You'll get to study and review their records, grades, extracurricular activities, house life, friends, and of course their personality. After you have gotten to know your assigned delinquent, your final task will be to decide a fair punishment.

Characteristics needed to be successful: Patient, Understanding, Able to read emotions, Kind, and Out-going.

You must be familiar with the U.S Constitution ll. You must support President Murphy Shrock with every cell of your body. You must have a general dislike of old-world entertainment. No criminal record...

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