Crowley Eusford x Human!Reader

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As soon as the war between vampires and humans had started you had been recruited by the Japanese Imperial Demon Army and were placed in the Vampire Extermination Unit, you didn't know why, but you really didn't care. Rumours of you spread through the army of you being a 'one-man army' and that you were supposedly a 'monster' because of your strength. It all started when you were sent on a mission and came back being an only survivor, killing all the noble vampires single handedly. 

You had become bored with life, you grew up with no family and you had no grudge against either vampires or humans, you only participated in the extermination of vampires because you had nothing else to do, you were completely bored with life and the only form of excitation and entertainment was going out on these missions to exterminate vampires. Exterminating vampires began to get boring for you, vampires soon became no challenge to you and you eventually got bored with them. However that changed very quickly on the mission you currently were on.
Right now you were facing one of the vampire nobles, he was tall, very muscular and had broad shoulders, his hair was long and in a braid that hung over his shoulder. You had heard the other vampires refer to him as 'Crowley'.

The current situation was that you were in a fight with him, he was what you'd call a 'challengeable or worthy opponent'. You swung your sword at his neck and he easily dodged, you smiled in response as this excited you, it had been so long since you were able to have a fight with someone without them getting killed straight away. 

"You're quite the opponent" Crowley stated as you swiftly dodged one of his attacks. 
"Hmmm~ you too~ " you replied smirking. His face looked quite amused with you. The two of you kept at your attacks until you began to get tired. You were panting but you didn't give up yet, your smile was still spread across your face.
"Y'know this is the first time I've ever had so much fun fighting someone in my life~ I wish we could go on forever but it seems like I should finish off now" You changed the way you held your sword and pointed it directly at Crowley's face, you took a step back and then charged forward whilst aiming for the vampire's head. You moved so quick that if you blinked, someone could completely miss you, but this wasn't the case for Crowley. He saw your move coming and quickly dodged and before you knew it he was behind you and you had blacked out. 

- Time skippu -

You awoke to find yourself laying on a bed, however both of your hands were tied to the top of the bed. 
"You're awake now hmm?" A deep but familiar voice said, you sat up on the bed with your hands still tied up and looked ahead to see Crowley standing by the end of the bed with his usual calm face staring back at you. 
"I never thought you'd be the type who'd be into this kind of thing" you said nodding at your hands that were tied up. 
"Well I thought I'd need it since you may just up and run away from here," he walked to the side of the bed and brought his hand to your chin and tilted it up so you were looking into his crimson red eyes "but I wouldn't want that to happen, because you're such an amusing human". 

You simply stared into his eyes in awe, your heart beats slowly picking up it's pace. 
"You really aren't like any other human are you? By now they'd usually be staring at me with hateful or terrified eyes, but your eyes.. they don't feel either hate of fear" he stroked your face with the back of his hand, his eyes observing your every reaction to his movements. 

"I don't have a grudge against vampires, they've never done anything to me so I don't see why I should hate them so much. I grew up with no family and I didn't ever really have friends, they were just simply people who surrounded me." You stated in a calm voice, the truth was, you really weren't calm. You had never felt like this before, you're heart was beating rapidly and there was an attractive vampire right in front of you. By the time you had said all this there was a slight blush on your face.

"Hmm~ I've made up my mind. How 'bout you be my human?" Crowley asked you with a smirk on his face, your eyes widening in surprise and your face becoming bright red. 
"Aww you look so cute like that.. " he said, he moved onto the bed, leaning towards you with your back pressed up against the bed's headboard. He caressed your face and moved his face closer to yours so that you could feel his hot breath on your ear. 

"So cute.. that it makes me want to eat you up." Crowley said, his voice sounding husky and deep, his hot breath being felt by your ear. Your face became a bright shade of pinkish red in response. The male vampire then left hot tender kisses from your ear down your neck and to your shoulder, your head tilting to the side while he did so.

He licked your neck and before you knew it, you felt a sharp pain in the side of your neck, you shut your eyes tight with small tears forming in the corner of your eyes. Crowley took his fangs out of the side of your neck and licked up the remaining blood from the wound, kissing it before leaving it. 

"Who knew such a skilled warrior would react like this" Crowley stated, his thumb wiping away your tears as you opened your eyes. You didn't respond because you were too embarrassed, your face was flushed and you never had let anyone see you like this. 

Crowley held your face in his hand and leaned in forward closer towards your face. You shut your eyes tight again and you could hear Crowley chuckle before you felt his soft lips on yours. You opened your eyes in surprise and began to kiss back, his tongue swept across your bottom lip asking for entrance which you granted him. His hand moved to the small of your back and one at the back of your head deepening the kiss. His tongue fought with yours, but of course he won and explored your mouth, you were able to taste your own blood in the kiss as well. 

Unfortunately you both began to lack air and separated, with a string of saliva between the both of you. He brought his hand to his face and wiped away the saliva.

"I guess you'll agree to being my human?" He asked with an amused smile on his face. 
You nodded in response, blushing while doing so. 

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I was so stuck on ideas for this, and when I finally got ideas I had to choose which one to do... and man this fic turned out really crap.. sorry..... 

Also. I know this was supposed to be a Jealous!Shinya x Reader.. but I'm actually reeeeaaallly stuck on ideas for jealous Shinya. So if you guys have ideas please tell me!! It'll really help.

And Go ahead and send more requests, and if you have any ideas that you want for your request (like the scenario and what happens) please say so! It'll most likely help me write lol... 

Next: Yūichirō Hyakuya x Reader OR Jealous!Shinya x Reader

Rip to me bc idek how I'm going to do the next fics;;;

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