The day

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I was walking through the park, covering my scars with a long black top and jeans. Although, you can see a slight bruising on my face. Concealer can't fix everything!
Everything was going perfectly fine until Jacki showed up. Jacki is my awful step mother. What happened to my mum? I'll get to that. I'm an only child and ever since Jacki moved in with my drug addict dad, I've had bruises from my head to toes.
Jacki grabbed my wrist and dragged my into an alley way. I can tell she's other high as fuck,or really pissed with me.
She smashed me against the brick wall. I felt something smash on the back of my head, the I was out. Next thing I knew I was in hospital. Oh great! Jacki threatened that if anyone found out about her bashing me, she'd kill me, literally. As I turned my head to the left, a familiar face appeared. It was the sweet, and rich, Ruby. She's been there through everything, she just doesn't know it. I soon looked to my left to see Jacki, a really pissed Jacki. Shittt

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