New Home

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Jason Pov

When we came out of the door we ended up outside. Rachel asked where we should go and E.J told her to head into the woods. She nodded and patted Hex's head. He took that as a sign and started hopping off. I know rabbits are suppose to be fast, but I could hardly tell where were going because of Hex's speed. After only a few minutes we came to the mansion. Rachel jumped off first and patted Hex's head again. "Good boy Hex, Rachel loves you". The rest of us slid off his back and almost fell down. "You guys okay"? Rachel asked us trying no to laugh. "Yeah, we'er fine". "Question thought, how do you not feel dizzy"? "Oh you get use to it after a while, beside that's not ever the fastest he can go". Hex shrank back down and jumped into Rachel's arms. She look at the mansion and her eyes began to sparkle. "Wow you guys really live here!? And I thought my home was big"! I just smiled and walked up to here. "Just you wait until you see the inside". "Well what are we waiting for"? She grabbed my arm and dragged me to the door. 'Yup, she's my Rachel'. 

Regular Pov

As soon as they all walked through the door they were scowled by Slenderman. "Children where have you been!? I was just about to-"! As soon as he saw Rachel he stopped. She looked at him weirdly for a moment, before smiling. "Hi". She said waving. "Um hello. And who is this"? "This is Rachel Slenderman, she's a close friend of mine". Jason explained. "Really, well it's nice to meet you Rachel". She giggled and soon all the others came walking in. "Who's she"? "I'm Rachel and this is Hex". "Oh bunny"! Sally ran up to Rachel and Hex jumped from her arms and into Sally's. Sally played with Hex a bit and Rachel couldn't help but laugh. "Wow, Hex usually isn't good with others until after a while". "Well Sally has a way with animals". Everyone was introduced to Rachel and she seemed happy to meet all of them. "So why did you all bring her here". "Well, we found her in and old magic shop, and she showed a could of kids a.........Magical performance". "Really"? "Well I do give good magic shows". Rachel snapped her fingers and her hat started floating. Her hat shot out her staff and she caught it while her hat land back on her head. Everyone was shocked at what happened. "How did you do that"? "Magic of course".

 "Pfft! Magic isn't real". Jane said. Rachel gave her a dark glare and held her staff tighter. "For your information it's very real, so don't make fun because you don't have it". Jane glared at her and growled. "Hey don't get smart with me fresh meat, you don't know me". "Back at you trashy". "Oh why you little-"! Before Jane could say anything else Hex jumped away from Sally and in front of Rachel, growing into his monster form. Everyone backed away as he growled at Jane. "Calm down Hex, people are just gonna hate". He gave Jane a dark look before shrinking and jumping into Rachel's hat. "Well.......Rachel if you would come with me to my office we can discuss some things". "Okay". "Jason you too". "Uh, okay Slenderman". The three of them went to his office and sat down in the seats. Slenderman just asked her simple questions like what she could do and how she ended up that way. After a while he dismissed her and Jason was about to get up too when. "Jason, stay for a moment please, I still have a few things to ask you". He looked at Rachel who gave him a worried look. "I'll be out soon, don't worry". She gave a smile and walked out the office. Jason sat back down and asked. "So what did you want to ask me". "I think you already know Jason, I want you to tell me everything about this girl". Jason let out a sigh and nodded. Jason told him everything about Rachel. They times in the past, what he saywher do, and how she had no memories of when she was alive. "So she doesn't remember anything"? "No, when she first saw me she had no clue who I was". "So why did she come here if she doesn't know you"? "Well I'm pretty sure she remember me a little, because she still has something I gave her long ago. Some parts of her memories must still be there and I am gonna help her remember". "........very well Jason, but remember not to get to controlling. We all know what you can become". "........I know".

 Jason let out a sigh and left out the office. He went into the living room to see Rachel floating in the air with Sally in her lap. Both were laughing as they held onto each other. Jason felt happy to finally see that smiled he love. Rachel looked at him and Smiled even bigger. "Jason". She put Sally down and floated to him. "So you fitting in nicely". "Yeah, but I was wondering.........". "Wondering"? "If you could tell me about our times together. It might help me remember". "Yeah, lets go to my room and talk".  She nodded and landed went back on the floor. They went up to his room. And sat on the bed. Jason told her how she would always come to his toy store to play with him and how much she loved pretending to be a magician when she was a kid. She couldn't help ,but smile as he told her all these things. While they were talking Hex came out her hat and jumped onto Jason's.  "Hey"! "Hahahahaha"! Hex started jumping all over him and Jason kept trying to catch him. "Hahaha, he really likes you". "Probably because we both love the same person". Rachel blushed and held his hand. "Hey Jason. I know I don't remember, but I can see you really care about me. Just promise that we won't leave each other again".

 Jason looked and squeezed her hand. "Of course, I will never let you go again Rachel". She nodded and let out a yawn. "Let's get some rest, we had a long day". "Yeah". She layed down on the bed and Hex snuggled into her neck. She patted the bed telling Jason to lay next to her and he did. They looked into each others eyes before they both fell asleep. After a few hours Jason woke up again and saw the Rachel was laying on his chest. He smiled and ran his head threw her hair. She smiled in her sleep and Jason just couldn't stop looking at her. For so long that his heart has felt empty, but know he has never felt happier.

The Magic for a Toy Maker (Jason x Reader/Rachel)Where stories live. Discover now