The Chase

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I remember it clearly. It's as if it happened only yesterday. May 21 was the day my father left us. He told my mother not to try to contact him, for it was very dangerous. I was only eleven when he left so I couldn't fathom what could be so dangerous about my daddy. And five years later, I still can't.

*****Flash back*****

"Where are you going, daddy?" my younger sister Emalee had asked.

"I'm going away, Emalee," dad had said. He bent down and ruffled her curly brown hair, then he hugged her with all of his might and kissed her on the forehead. "Goodbye sweet heart."

I turned around to my mother as if she would have had an answer. Instead I saw her weeping into my father's favorite quilt. In fact, that is the only thing of his he left for us. My mother sleeps with it every night.

"Felicity," he said as motioned me towards him, "be strong. I love you no matter what. Forever and always."

"Forever and always," I echoed with a tear sliding down my cheek.

I recalled all the nights he'd tucked me into my be. We'd repeat this same line back to each other every night.

"Take care of your mom and Emalee," he said before he took my mom in his arms, saying things that I couldn't hear.

And that was the last thing he ever said to me.

My mother fell to the ground in a heap and sobbed as he left. I took Emalee in my arms and tried to comfort her. My mom, obviously, was in no condition to care for us, so I cooked soup for three. It felt so odd not setting the table for four like I normally would.

*****Back to present******

Out of all the crazy events that went on that day, I mostly remember the confusion I felt. He never said when he was coming back and that worried me terribly. I didn't know why he was leaving and why he took all of his possessions with him. But as it turns out, I never did find out why and I probably never will.

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