10 - Heat

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Wow, well lets see how many people still follow this story huh?  Been way too long since I updated and I'm very sorry about that.  Anyways here is the next chapter.  Not sure if I'll update the PG-13 version, at least not right away.  Enjoy and spread the story/vote if you like :)

-December 11, San Diego CA-

An entire week without work is like a slow torture for me, but at the same time some sort of massive release.  For the entire week I literally did nothing and no one bothered me, sure being kicked out of my apartment is eminent, but for the moment life is good.  I get just till the end of this year before the shit hits the fan.  Not even Aleniese has bothered me, my demon has seemed to of vanished the second he turned me into a hermit and scared off all my friends.

Typical imaginary friend ordeal.  Maybe I was stressing out and maybe Aleniese was my subconscious telling me to get out of my dead-end job at a restaurant, get away from that going-nowhere girl and move on with my life.  Maybe I need a bigger city.  Maybe I need a new city period.  I’ve been stuck here too long—baking in the sun.

My subconscious, that is really the only explanation.  I mean, if I think about it the moment I broke it off with Rebecca and quit my job he vanished.  But then there is one problem with this conclusion.  One thing he did that didn’t fix itself when my mind was done showing me crazy shit.  My car.  My car is still most certainly smashed and still is most certainly not with us in the living world anymore.  So, how can my subconscious smash a car?  So then he is real?

It’s been a week in my place, a week of ordering in and waiting for the boot.  Hey, at least I’ll get to spend a depressing Christmas by myself in half a month—I got that to look forward to.  Well, there is nothing better to do, nothing has happened in the last week of waiting.  Time to try and make something happen.

I go outside across the street, passing a 2012 silver Toyota Camry now parked in my spot—a rental I got from my insurance company while they finished sorting out the paperwork on my totaled Sentra.  Once I’m up on the sidewalk and by the now-empty spot my old car sat in for a bit, I turn around and look at my first floor apartment, this is the place he was at when he smashed my car and the only time I got a real good long look at him.  Most times he appears at night and it’s often hard to see, but when he smashed my car I saw everything. 

People are going to think I’m crazy, but it’s about one pm on a Friday so at least most people who live here will be out, work, I hope.  I look around, this time I’m going to be the one in the know.  I’m going to surprise him, “Aleniese!”  I yell at the top of my lungs, my voice aimed away from the apartment, “Come here right now!”  Nothing seems to happen besides me looking like a total idiot across the street. “I know you can hear me!”

I spin around and look into the sky.  Nothing.  “You say I bring you here.  Well I’m bringing you hear right now!”  I pause, still nothing, I try one more time, louder, “Aleniese!”  A shock wave, wind, almost knocking me off my feet. I spin to see where it came from.  The parking lot, a place in the middle where no cars are at.  I’m slightly relieved it isn’t my car—the rental I mean.

With vengeance in my eyes I march over to his landing spot, giving his beastly hairy figure a once over.  Yeah, yeah he looks strong, ugly, and very dangerous but at the moment I feel much stronger, angrier and dangerous than him.  “Okay, Mr. Demon from the pits of hell.  You’ve done ruined my life, got me fired off my job, and have turned me into a hermit waiting the inevitable eviction notice.  Is there anything else you would like from me?!”

Since his side is turned to me and he is on his hind legs he drops onto his front half, landing his fists on the asphalt, and twisting his head, “You quit.” He rumbles, “And yes.”  He shuffles around in a half-circle till his body is facing mine.  The large ponytail he had falls to one side and I watch his white covered eyelids carefully.  I really don’t want to look into his true eyes again, but at this point I am willing to do it and lose my breath just to prove a point. 

VamZombie WereWitch Girl and Demon Boy ✓Where stories live. Discover now