Chapter Five- The Widower

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There, in the epicentre of the storm, the man behind the mêlée of rumours, six foot tall, stood Zul-Qur-Nayn Mohsin, surrounded by a wall of curious guests. Maya made her way through the guests charming her way with her warm smile.

"Hello stranger." She greeted in her sultry voice pressing her hand across Zul-Qar-Nayn's back forcing him to face her.

Maya's amorous voice, the burst of floral and aromatic musk, announced her arrival before Zul-Quran-Nayn made eye contact.

Dressed in an Oxford blue and pink pinstripe suit with a matching pink and the blue paisley tie, Zul-Qur-Nayn Mohsin, portrayed the attitude of a provocateur. The  shirt's cuff were held together by round silver scroll Carnelian stoned cuff links making his hands appear larger than they actually were. Zul-Qar-Nayn Mohsin was a scrupulous man when it came to his attire.

His roving gaze made Maya all the more engaged, but once Maya engaged his sandy-eyes, her mission was accomplished and she felt like the most important woman in the room. He was the only man in the room that held any importance; he was the man her mother warned her about.

Zul-Qar-Nayn held his black glass drink bottle in his left hand, his right hand casually in his trouser pocket; he smiled at Maya cocking his head to one side.

Silently, Maya questioned his image change, the beard. She raised her slender fingers and brushed them against his beard that commanded attention, it was charming like a silent announcement of his self confidence, closely trimmed razor-sharp lines running along his cut-glass chiseled cheekbones wildly drawing her attention to his full lips.

Zul-Qur-Nayn spread his fingers across his mouth and over his beard; it was the lion's mane, affirming his reply.

"Et tu?" She charged him with eyes full of accusation.
Zul-Qur-Nayn averted his eyes to the allegation.

The scent of his woody musky cologne bought back memories of the day she first clasped eyes her friend, Leyla Mohsin's husband. Having heard about his youth spent thrashing his opponent unconscious in boxing ring and celebrating world kick boxing championship victory on the shoulders of his coach, Maya met Zul-Qur-Nayn when he was at the peak of his corporate dominance 10 years ago. 

His initials ZQM, were well versed throughout the corporate world. The successful business man had plotted textile mills in the south of Pakistan and invested shrewdly.

There at his daughter's birthday party, Zul-Qur-Nayn's staunch attitude and voguish style struck her instantly.
"Maya have you met my husband?" Leyla introduced.
Maya was instantly attracted to the arrogant business man. She ravaged him with her wandering eyes, from his deep set sandy-eyes to his clean-shaved jaw.
However, Zul-Qur-Nayn Mohsin was disinterested, he replied with a casual handshake and skimmed over the famous fashion model.

"Handsome." Maya remarked.

Pride beamed from Leyla's eyes as she weaved her arm around her husband's arm and caught his eye, "He's my handsome." She affirmed with conviction.
Maya felt a bitter taste in her mouth. The couple were odd. Leyla was older, her eyes; puffy, blemished skin, voluptuous motherly body and no dressing style.
He could do so much better.

Soon Maya was a fixed feature in Mohsin house. She spent time with Leyla in a bid to meet eyes with Zul-Qur-Nayn, and read his character. There was a hidden mystery about him, when he walked into the room he demanded respect, his aura was enticing.

"It should have been me under that veil." Maya tugged Zul-Qur-Nayn's arm demanding an answer. "Since when have you worn a veil?" he teased her.
"Since you promised me, Zak. Remember, that rainy night at my apartment." Maya paused and reached out for his arm.
Finally, she gained his attention. His eyes burned into her taking her back, all those years.

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