Piero Barone 1

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Me and my sister were lying on the beach somewhere in Sicily, Italy. The sun was shining very bright. But that didn't keep the people away from the beach. There were a lot of people swimming in the water or playing games with their kids. Almost as much people were just lying somewhere, just like me. I was looking around, seeing some beautiful Italian boys. My sister was reading a magazine. But who wants to read something when your eyes can look to this beautiful nature and these beautiful people. It seemed like they were all top models.

"Ciao bella!" I heard someone say. I looked to my left and I was shocked. It was Piero Barone, from Il Volo, where I was a massive fan of. The first three seconds I really didn't know what to do, but at second four I decided to act like I didn't know him at all. My sister never was really interested in my idols, so she probably didn't even know it was him. So she could play the game too, without even knowing he was Piero Barone.

"Hi!" I answered calmly, but inside my heart was pounding like never before. Certainly a hundred times per second. Or at least that was how nervous I felt.

"Can you perhaps put sunscreen on my back?" he asked. "What?" I thought. "Piero is asking my help, out of all these top models, to put sunscreen on his back? How is that even possible?" I blinked a few times and looked at my sister. She was looking at him too, so this must be real and not some nice daydream.

"Sure!" I said, hoping he wouldn't notice my nervousness. "Thanks!" he answered happy.

"What's your name?" he asked before he sat down in front of me. "Laura," I said. Luckily he introduced himself too, because I already forgot to act like I didn't know who he was. "Nice name! I'm Piero by the way!" I started to smile a bit more. It was difficult not to giggle, what I always did when I was nervous or very excited.

I started to put some sunscreen on my hands and after that I put it on his back. Who would've thought I would do that someday. Not me, definitely not me! I didn't know what to say and felt very shy, even though I acted like I was the opposite of shy, without saying a lot then. But it didn't matter whether I said something or not because Piero started asking questions. "Do you live here?" I was still sitting behind his back so he couldn't see me hesitate. But actually I didn't need to lie about something. I could just be myself but forget the part where I already knew him. "Yes, not so far from here. You?" I asked but actually that was not really the first question I wanted to ask to him. I always thought about it: what would I ask to Il Volo or a member of Il Volo if I just had one chance to ask only one thing. To be honest I never came up with the right answer. I still don't know. But it would definitely be something I don't know yet, and where he lived I already knew.

"Yes I live here too, but I travel a lot, so most of the times I'm not even here," he said. "You like to travel?" I responded, very well aware why he said that and it was not because of that reason. "No, it's actually a part of my job, I'm in 'Il Volo'. But maybe you don't know us?"

"How cool, so you're in a band?" My enthusiasm wasn't really fake, I finally let all my happiness out and smiled very bright although he couldn't see it yet because I was still helping him with the sunscreen.

"Ehm, not the typical band. I'm in a group that sings operatic pop!" he said. "Oh, nice. Can you sing a bit of a song then? I would like to hear how it sounds", I said. This game was so funny. He turned around and had a smile on his face. "Of course! It's my way of thanking you!" He started to sing, my sister listened too! When she heard the first few words of the part from grande amore that Piero was singing, she looked confused to me. I think she suddenly found out who this Piero was. It was the one and only, Piero Barone from Il Volo.

After a few sentences he stopped singing. But his smile was bigger than before. "Wow! That was just wonderful!" My sister was clapping in her hands, I think she was becoming an Ilvolover. "Never heard something beautiful like that before!" I added. I hoped I didn't sound too much like a normal fan from Il Volo, because the reason why I acted like I didn't know him was to raise my chances for a normal conversation. Not the typical 'fan-idol conversation'.

"Thank you!" he said. He sat a few seconds in front of me, without saying a thing, only looking to me and sometimes his gaze shifted toward my sister, but then he quickly looked back to me. Right into my eyes. That's when I melted completely. I was always a normal Ilvolover, but when he looked at me like that, I was really in love!

Piero suddenly realized he was just staring at us and he had to be normal and go away. "I leave now! Then you can read your magazine again." He pointed at my sisters magazine. "Oh but you don't have to!" she said, I never expected her to say that but I was so happy she did. I probably would've been too shy to ask him.

"Oh, why not!" he said with a big smile. "Then we can talk a bit more." And now he was looking directly at me. "Sure!" I said quick.

"Or do you maybe want to go for a walk with me," he said to me. I hoped my sister wouldn't mind because I really wanted to take a walk with him on the beach. I looked to my sister, asking her permission without really asking. She nodded.

I stood up. "Of course!" I said happy. Together we walked toward the water. Our feet almost in the water but we kept walking on the wet sand. "Nice weather!" he said.

"Indeed!" I smiled. At first I thought our conversation already ended before it started. But then he suddenly asked a lot of questions. So now and then he looked into my eyes. I saw his eyes twinkle. Like he was in love? I didn't know exactly.

"And how old are you?" he asked.
"I'm 21" I answered.
"I'm 22" he said.
"I know!" Oh no, that was not a smart answer. "You know?" I was actually not that good in telling lies. I should've thought about that before playing this 'game'. He saw it on my face. A very big smile came upon his face. "You already knew me before, right?"

"Yes", I said shy and giggling. "I'm sorry."

He touched my arm. I felt something tingle inside of me. "It's okay. I almost believed it!" he laughed. "I love girls with humour," he said while laughing very hard. I laughed too even though it was not really meant as 'humour'.

We both smiled and our eyes met again. I could see the sparkles very clear now. We were still walking, very slow because we were focusing on each other eyes I think. "You have beautiful eyes!" he suddenly said. We stopped walking. He took my hand and kissed it while still looking into my eyes. My whole body was suddenly filled with butterflies. Not only my stomach. I felt an urge of kissing him. But I was a well-mannered girl so I didn't.

"So why did you do that?" he asked.

"What?" I asked shy but I thought he meant the 'pretending I didn't know him'.

"You acted like you didn't know..."

"Yeah, sorry again," I interrupted. I felt guilty even though it wasn't even very bad what I had done.

"No, it's okay. It's funny. But I only want to know why you did that," he said.

"I thought, maybe you would behave different near girls that are not fangirls. Because actually I am an Ilvolover." I hoped he wouldn't think I was a weirdo. Then I better had not lied to him.

"Oh, haha!" He was giggling.

"I wouldn't look differently at you if you were a fan of us." He smiled so beautifully. I was completely falling in love with him. But really in love this time. I think I always loved him before but now he was  standing in front of me, I really was in love.

I giggled shy. He touched my face with his hand. "I would've loved you any way." I was surprised. Did he just say he loved me? I was very confused. I didn't know what to think about it.

He took my hand and looked me in the eyes. "I ehm... I think..." he said, suddenly very shy, "...I know we just met but...I think I'm in love with you!" I was shocked, in a positive way. Piero Barone just told me he loved me and I knew I loved him but I couldn't say a word. I only smiled and then suddenly I felt his lips on top of mine. His soft lips kissed me passionately. And I only could think it was the best moment in my life.

After the kiss he said he loved me. And I said "I love you too!" He saw it as a permission from me to kiss me again. This time longer and even more passionate. I loved it. And the moment our lips left each other, I already smacked mine against his again. Piero laid his hands against my waist and lifted me up. I put my legs around his body and so he held me in the air while kissing me again.

So since that moment, we were a happy couple. Who would've thought a normal Ilvolover could be the girlfriend of Piero Barone. Definately not me. But now I believe it's possible.


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