Ignazio Boschetto 1

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"Scusi?" someone said. I was in London but someone said 'scusi'. I turned around and saw a tall guy staring at me. 'Scusi' must mean something in Italian or Spanish because he had the looks of someone...yeah Italian or Spanish.
"Hello?" I said. He didn't respond. He only looked with his brown...his very, very brown eyes in my own eyes, which were not really special. Last time I checked, I had grey eyes. Boring! I want a colour too.
"Oh, hello...ehm...oh..." he stuttered. "Can you maybe say what you have to say? I have to take a bus in..." I checked my watch to give him the exact information, "...one minute and 21 seconds!"
He woke up, "Oh sorry, I'm sorry...I mean I actually forgot a bit what I wanted to ask you! Let me think", he said and he looked nervously around him, like he was waiting someone to come and rescue him. "52 seconds" I said.
While the seconds passed away, I investigated him a bit. Very tall boy. Probably same age like me. Very wavy dark brown hair. A little beard and a mustache. Oh... and an earring. Only one...on his right ear. No, of course not...for himself it was his left ear. Doesn't matter a lot actually, it just was there.
"So I wanted to ask you how I can go to this place..." he suddenly said and he pointed to the paper in his hand. "Abbey Road..." I said surprised, "that's where I live!" I smiled at him but forgot to say how he could go to that street. "Oh, can I come with you? Maybe?" I didn't know what happened. With every single second that passed, I realized he was very handsome actually. And meanwhile I had to explain this beautiful boy how he could go to the Abbey Road Studios. And then he asked to come with me. "Oh ehm... if you don't like that, I can go on my own..." he said a bit shy, probably because I waited too long answering him. "No, no..." I said quick. "Of course you can go with me. It would be stupid if we just walked right behind each other instead of walking together now. So I'll show you how we go there instead of telling you. Is that okay?" I smiled. "Yes!" He nodded with his head...a lot. That's why his hair fell out of its place. When he put it back in place with his hand, I knew it...His leather jacket, his grey T-shirt, his 'long' hair, his earring, his dark jeans, the sunglasses in the pocket of his jacket...AND he had to be in the Abbey Road Studios..."Are you an Italian rockstar?" I said quite convinced I had it right.
He started laughing. Like really...laughing! "Oh no, what did I say?" I thought. Maybe I said something wrong. But what could be wrong with those five words? Not much if you ask me. It's just a question.
"Don't feel ashamed by asking that question", he said to comfort me. I probably looked a bit weird while thinking about why he was laughing so hard.
"I am actually the opposite!" he said with his strong accent, still smiling. "Oh but aren't the seconds already over?" he asked all of a sudden, very serious. I looked around me, the people at the bus station where gone. So the bus probably too. "Oh crap", I said. "Bus is gone!"
"I'm so sorry!" he said while taking my hand between his both hands, something nobody else ever did to me. He really was sorry. But actually I didn't care. It was not that I had to be home for something important. "Don't feel sorry for that!" I smiled. "We can walk!"
"Okay, I'm fine with that", he smiled. "To be honest, this is so much more fun than sitting on filthy seats in an old bus", I said, a bit too honest actually because I didn't even know his name.
As we started walking through the streets of London, we continued our conversation. "So you're not an Italian rockstar?" I asked, not sure if he was honest with me. "No!" he smiled, still amused by the fact I asked that already earlier. "You're the opposite?...So you're a Spanish country singer", I said. Now he laughed even harder. "No, than the 'Italian rockstar' was closer to what I am!"
"But what are you then?" I asked curious. He stopped walking, so I stopped too. "Hello," he shook my hand, "I'm Ignazio Boschetto, Italian and I sing in Il Volo. We sing popsongs in a classical way and classical music in a 'pop way', it's something in the middle!" he said. "Oh," was the only thing I said and then I looked down on our hands, which were still shaking. Ignazio looked as well and then he realized he had to stop shaking hands with me. "Sorry," he said quick. "It's nothing!" I answered him, while looking into his beautiful eyes. "And you're hobby is hypnotizing people?" I asked because I though he was doing that to me every time he looked into my eyes. He laughed again. "Sorry."
"Stop saying sorry for those things! I liked it!" I said. I was always very honest. Sometimes too honest, but most of the time it helped me as well. Because Ignazio, the handsome Italian singer, now probably knew I liked him a lot, because normal people don't let someone they barely know hypnotize them. Me neither. But Ignazio could hypnotize me without asking permission.
"But what's your name?" he asked with his voice, a bit more high pitched than before. Or maybe that was just a side effect of the hypnotization. "I'm Carlie!" I said. "Student here in London, no boyfriend and still single. But that's the same I guess." Too honest again, but he smiled and his eyes sparkled, like he was happy that I told him that information too.
We walked further and talked about ourselves. Before I realized quite well, we already were in Abbey Road. "Oh we're already here!" I said amazed. "We almost missed the studios because we were too busy talking with each other. I saw he felt sad because he had to go. I was sad too. What do you need to do when you probably never gonna meet such a guy again? He was thinking the same, I saw it in his eyes. "Thank you for the nice talk and for showing me the way to here!" he said, hesitating about what he was going to do next. "No thanks! I really liked it!" I smiled. That was it. It was over. "Ciao!" he said while he waved his hand to me and he turned around to walk on the steps in front of the entrance of the legendary building. Then he stopped and turned around again. And on that moment we both knew what we had to do. I walked on the steps too and then it happened, he gave me a kiss on the mouth!
"When will we meet again?" he asked smiling to me. "Whenever you want!" I answered, because I knew I didn't need to go to university anymore today and it was also the start of the weekend. "Okay, then I'll find you a few houses away from here, like you explained earlier, when I'm done here", he said while touching my cheek with his warm hand. And then he kissed me again, but this time longer...and better!
"By 'Italian rockstar!" I said when I walked away from him. And the last thing I saw was his beautiful smile while he entered the studios, not knowing yet I would already see that smile again the same evening every single second.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2016 ⏰

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