Dreams of Stars Part 17

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In the days that followed her last talk with Archie, Bridget did her best to accept what her life was like now. She found that, working steadily and going home before sunset each night, she was able to finish her job for Mr. Gold on Wednesday. Knowing this would give her two days a week to work after school, she applied for a part-time job at Granny's Diner.

In response to Bridget's application, Granny regretfully explained that the diner didn't actually need extra help, and she couldn't afford to hire a superfluous employee. Certainly not wanting to be superfluous, Bridget spent her Thursday and Friday evening wandering around town, looking to see if there were any "Now Hiring" signs in the shops. She needed to do something quickly, or she didn't know what she would do.

Already, Bridget was wearing herself out. However, she was also discovering a pleasant capacity in herself to rise to a challenge. Maybe Archie hadn't been wrong about her. Maybe she could be determined.

Of course, Bridget tried not to think too much about Archie. That was confusing in itself, because she drew upon so many of the things he had said to remain encouraged and hopeful. Thinking about what Archie said usually made Bridget think about Archie. And thinking about Archie usually made Bridget cry. Working at Mr. Gold's house was the worst because she was left to her own thoughts for long hours, but she didn't dare shed a tear because Mr. Gold might see her.

Worse, the more Bridget tried not to think about Archie, the more she did. The more she suppressed the desire to see him, the more she wanted to see him. Once, she had noticed him in the grocery store and had waved, but he had pretended not to see her. To her shame, she had spent the rest of that trip to the store stealing glimpses of him.

Then came the day that changed the fate of Storybrooke. That day was Saturday, so Bridget went straight to Mr. Gold's mansion. She spent the morning vacuuming and sweeping the downstairs floors. Then she went upstairs, stopping by a closet to grab some bathroom-cleaning supplies, and she started by washing the mirrors, windows, and shower doors. Archie's face kept rising in her mind—his caring smile—the individual, genuine interest he took in people.

After scrubbing the counters and sink in the bathroom, Bridget moved on to the toilet. She started squirting a blue cleaning liquid into the bowl. At that moment, a sound like wind rumbled through the house, coming rapidly closer. Frightened, Bridget turned toward it, just in time to see a wave of rainbow light sweeping across the floor toward her. It struck her, and suddenly, everything came back. In one indescribable, breathtaking moment, Bridget's head and heart were filled with memories. Sad memories and happy memories. Joyful and painful memories. Frightening memories. Angering memories. Memories of her mother Nycteris, of Geppetto, Rumpelstiltskin, Nova, Ella, but most of all...

"Jiminy!" Kaelin cried aloud, "Jiminy Cricket!" With a laugh of joy, she dropped everything and ran from the mansion, not even stopping to put the lid back on the bottle of cleaner. Everywhere in the streets, people stood amazed, bewildered. Some were embracing, some looked frightened, some searched desperately for their loved ones. But Kaelin simply ran with one goal in mind. She ran with all her might toward Archie Hopper's office.

As she ran, she saw him, also hurrying down the road. Her heart leapt. "Jiminy!" she shouted again. At his name, he turned and saw her. Immediately, he ran to her, pulling her into a tight embrace. "Kaelin...Kaelin..." he said breathlessly, laughing and crying and clasping her head to his chest, "I didn't recognize you—I'm sorry!"

"Ohh, I didn't recognize you either," Kaelin replied joyfully, holding him as tightly as she could, "It was the curse—but it's broken now! To think it was you all along! Jiminy Cricket! That explains everything!"

They stepped back from each other, but Kaelin, giddy with happiness, kept speaking: "Do you remember when you were eating that apple, and I called you 'cute'? Do you remember the old watermill? I keep thinking of that grumpy, old watermill for some reason. I wonder if he's here! Don't you think he could've been a person changed into a mill-wheel?" She was laughing so hard she was barely making sense.

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