(main) character descriptions

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Serenity Rainey
Age- 22
Appearance- Freckled skin, slight tan and brown eyes. Has half her hair shaved and her hair is bright pink. She is about 5'9" and is the main singer and dancer of her group.
Personality- She is the risk taker of the group and tends to push her friends into doing stuff they are unsure about, but of course in a good way. She is pretty skilled and loves playing video games and eating junk food.
username: GayAndAwesome_101

Clara Mathews
Age- 20, almost 21
Appearance- Porcelain skin, usually has a toothy smile on her face. Thick glasses and hazel eyes. She has chocolate brown, messy hair in a bob. Her nerdier friends constantly remind her of her resemblance to Mirai Kuriyama. She is 5'4".
Personality- Comes off as quiet and shy, but actually very friendly- you'll just have to be the first one to talk to her. Flustered easily. Shares Serenity's love for video games, and on top of that, is also a movie geek. Her favorites are a select few from the '80s. She is also very passionate about books.
username: TheGirlWhoLived

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