one | the start

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GayAndAwesome_101 started following you.

Rainbow_263 sent you a private message.

Rainbow_263: dude! i don't think u noticed but SERENITY RAINEY IS FOLLOWING YOU.

TheGirlWhoLived: who? the only new follower i got is some person called GayAndAwesome_101

Rainbow_263: that's her. she's from ALL? the famous musical group? come on, mathews. i know you're stuck in the '80s but you HAVE to know ALL.

TheGirlWhoLived: hey, i'm not stuck in the 80s! i just happen to like some movies! ...but, um, no. i do not know of this group.

Rainbow_263: christ, clara. just try and talk to her.


You started following GayAndAwesome_101.

You sent a private message to GayAndAwesome_101.

TheGirlWhoLived: hello! i couldn't help but notice you followed me. do you think we could be friends?

Clara waits patiently for an answer.

GayAndAwesome_101: That's kind of why I followed you, haha.

TheGirlWhoLived: oh! really?

GayAndAwesome_101: Yep! anyway, what's your name?

TheGirlWhoLived: i'm clara mathews!

GayAndAwesome_101: uwu I think you already know what my name is

TheGirlWhoLived: i'm afraid i don't ??

GayAndAwesome_101: Serenity Rainey? from ALL?

TheGirlWhoLived: hmm...nope. doesn't ring a bell

GayAndAwesome_101: Huh...really? that's a first.

GayAndAwesome_101: what kind of music do you like, then?

TheGirlWhoLived: ooh! i have a perfect example!



TheGirlWhoLived: :D! yes!

GayAndAwesome_101: You sound pretty cool so far

GayAndAwesome_101: wait

GayAndAwesome_101: did you learn of that song from Guardians of the Galaxy?

TheGirlWhoLived: um...maybe.

GayAndAwesome_101: jfc - whatever. I'll forgive you because you're cute. Consider yourself lucky

TheGirlWhoLived: how do you know how i- oh yeah i post selfies haha i'm stupid

TheGirlWhoLived: wait you like girls ?

GayAndAwesome_101: did my username not give it away

TheGirlWhoLived: oh i thought that was a joke or something

GayAndAwesome_101: nah

GayAndAwesome_101: hey I have to go, talk tomorrow?

TheGirlWhoLived: ofc ! have a good day

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2015 ⏰

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