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The girl looks in the mirror each day but who she really is,is not what she sees.

She has every negative word pierced in to her mind that manipulates what she sees in front of her. instead of beautiful she sees a creature who's face is broken, hair which is lifeless like her manipulative mind believes her personality to be. A body which doesn't belong in this world because it doesn't fit the mould of society.

Her height shrinking as she tries with every breathe of courage to carry on...REFLECTION

There once was a time when she saw herself as an acceptable human. nothing special but acceptable. but wicked words and sour looks slowly dissolved her confidence.

PERSONALITY, MIND, BODY ,FACE 'none of it is right'
'I'm nothing, I'm irrelevant' she screams so hard it's silent. Nobody hears or cares.

She was tormented by the factors in her life that she couldn't run away from. 'Im trapped in my own thoughts' she screamed again at the one face that seemed familiar but this was a face which held all her secrets.

She found days in her life infinite like her misery was never ending. The people who used to admire her turned away from her life; by staying still and quietly observing her like watching a lion ferociously eating it's prey through a thick mirror protecting them from being hunted as well.

The girl thought the only solution to make her feel better was to have control over something. Her. So she started to stop, stop eating. She thought that if she could control her body she could gain control with her life.

Her body grew weak and the words were still fresh and sour in her mind, telling her that she's nothing, she found only darkness in her life and believed that she would never find light again.

She started to wonder: 'what if I went? Went away from all of this? I could find peace again' so she planed out her escape from the world...

Tuesday night 5:00 pm
This is the time she will walk down the same road she does each day, the road to her house back from school but she won't come home, she will escape forever.

But it was Friday night and the girl planned what would happen, what time, place. Everything had to be perfect.

The girls mother was oblivious before, but now sees that her child is breaking. She's not eating, not speaking. That sweet smile she used to have when she was innocent from the worlds cruel nature was gone.

So the mother tried to save her child. She found her silently, crying blank faced, staring at the wall of her room. the mother walks over to her and comforts her, tries to. The girl looks up at her mother and finds enough strength from every bone in her body to smile again and say 'Everything will be ok soon, mum I'll find peace again'. The mother gently stroked her daughters hair and kissed her on the head and said the two words the mother knew the girl wanted to hear 'I understand'.

Tuesday 5:00 pm
The girl strode silently blank faced towards her escape. She felt a throbbing pain in her heart as she knew that she would leave the only thing that she loves in her life. Her mother. Guilt left her mind confused as she thought 'how can I be so selfish, I can't leave her'.

'Then I will escape by...' The mother was shocked as she read the words that she once believed her daughter was incapable of writing. The mother dropped the brown booked salvation and ran.

'No I must escape, I can't do it anymore, I love her so much but she'll understand' so she stopped contemplating her thoughts and stood in front of her escape. The sound of speed and the quick whip of wind she could feel against her body left her numb. 'Peace i'll find it again' she repeated to herself as she stepped in the middle of the place that will soon
kill her.

'Stop!' A breathless, screeched voice cries. The girl turns to her side, that face, the face that used to smile and say 'I love you' .That brought her up, gave her dreams, showed her the sweet and innocent part of life. She was there standing by her stopping her escape. As the words that the mother say
are fading the girl sees two bright lights in front of her and a loud noise that buzzes in her ears as it Rams towards her

'I don't need to escape to find peace,
peace is here standing right in front of me' she tells herself.As she breaks down on to her knees and feels her mothers safe arms around her.

The girl looks in the mirror every day but who she really is,is not what she sees. But, but this day she finds a part of herself that is right. her smile. That sweet innocent smile has gone but has been replace by a strong hope giving smile that says 'today I'm going to be ok'. The day will come that she will see an unbroken, fractured reflection.

She has found her salvation and that will save her.

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