Four days in the past

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WHAT WHAT! Hola guys. S.A. here. This book is just gonna be a big story career for me. HA, i only wish. If I can plz get thousands of votes and comments and reads i will love u guys forever. And if u help me make this book better and better i will dedicate that chapter u helped with to u. so plz help a friend out. THX!!!!!!!!!!!!-----SKY


4 days earlier:

I run down the stairs as fast as I could. If he catches me I won't ever be able to see sunlight again. I can't tell how many bruises run up and down my arms, on my back, my legs, and the cuts I have on my chest.

He use to be a great boyfriend until one day something happened and he changed. My friends keep asking me why I don't leave him; I guess its because I have high hopes that someday he WILL change.

I stumble out the apartment and race down to my old car. I hop in and remember my keys are on the counter in the apartment. Dang it. I slowly get out the car checking my surroundings to make sure he isn't there.

When the coast is clear I take off down the road hurrying to my friends house knowing she will help me. For jogging it takes 5 minutes to reach her house. I'm surprised that he hasn't found me yet. Unless that is what he wants me to think. I'm so confused.

I knock on her door praying that she hurry's up. I hear shuffling inside before the door opens.

"Fickle Alex. Do you know what time it is?" Chrissy yells at me. When she finally looks me up and down she gasps and yanks me inside. "What the heck happened?" She demanded me to tell her, and I told her the whole story starting from this morning.

I start crying while I finish telling her the story/day. She reaches over and pulls me into a giant hug. It's one of her it-will-get-better-I-promise hugs.

"Ca..Can I stay with you for a while;" I pause just to blow my nose."I don't think I can stand another beating...;" Chrissy try's to interrupt but I put my hand up. "Yes. I know what you are going to say and I don't need to hear it right now, I've been through enough today."

"Fine I won't say it. And sure you can stay however long you need. You know I am always here for you no matter what. Just say 'I need you' and you got me by your side 24/7." I smile at her while she gets up and heads into the kitchen. "Hey girl, do you want any cocoa or coffee'?" Chrissy yells over the noise of the table fan.

"Umm.... Some coffee' please. Thanks a lot. You saved me today." She looks over the side of the wall and grins at me. "No, really. You did. If you didn't open the door I wouldn't know where I would go." She laughs before going back into the kitchen and coming a little later out with steaming cups of coffee'."


Hours later we still are up talking about who knows what. I start to yawn and Chrissy says we should head to bed and tomorrow we will get things to change my identity. I'm looking forward to it because that means that 'he' won't find me anymore. Unless he put a tracking device on me but I doubt it.

In the morning I head downstairs and start making pancakes, eggs, bacon, and anything else I can find in her cupboards. Around 7ish Chrissy finally comes down and I can tell the smell from the food woke her. I laugh. She glares.

"Morning sunshine. How'd you sleep? I made a home made breakfast I know you haven't had one in a while so here you go." I pass her a plate full of food and I pass her coffee'. She sits down and breathes in the smell of the cooked food.

"You always knew what I loved. I slept great. More important question, how did YOU sleep?" She digs into her food moaning a bit at the sweet, delicious taste. I hesitate to answering that question. She always knew how hard to hit and where. It's like abuse but not physical abuse.

"I slept fine." I lied. She looks at me with her I-know-you-are-lying-to-me-so-cut-the-act. "Fine. Fine. I didn't sleep as well as I wanted too. You happy?"

"Yes. Very." She finishes off her pancake and heads to her bacon and eggs. "Now, for the rest of the day we are going to make you a new identity. Got it?"

I grumble under my breath. "Fine."

"OK. First. What color hair do you want?"

"Umm.... Dark brown."

"OK. What wardrobe?" She writes down the first answer and waits for me for the second. "OH. Also do you want a wig or no?" I nod my head yes to wig and she writes it down.

"I don't want to look rich. Even though i'm not." I mumble. "I want just skinny jeans, turtle necks and high-tops. Got it?"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever princess." I grin at her. I can't remember the last time she called me that. It must have been years ago when we were little. "What are you grinning at Missy?"

"Oh. I was just thinking of the last time you called me princess, cupcake." We both start laughing as soon I said her old-time name. For a few more minutes well Chrissy gets ready to leave we continue talking about our past. We always wondered why everything changed after a while. But, we both know that answer.

When she leaves I lock the door and sit down on the couch. I grab the remote from between the cushions and flip through channels. I finally land on "Blue Bloods" and I decide to watch it, since nothing else on T.V sounds interesting. Even if it's re-runs.

I drag myself into the kitchen and raid the fridge. Trying to find any leftover food from this morning; nothin'. I heave a giant sigh then turn to the cupboards. I would kill for a Dr. Pepper right now; oh, and some homemade cookies my mom used to make. Those were the good-old days.

I walk back into the T.V room and turn it off. Then I walk upstairs and take a shower. While I strip out of my clothes I hear the phone ring. I don't bother to head downstairs and answer it, even if it is Chrissy.

I wake up a few hours later by extremely loud music. I get out of bed and trudge downstairs to find Chrissy, and Mac sitting on the couch. Mac. I've know him since I was a little kid. Me, Chrissy, and Mac during the winter we would get our swimsuits on and head down to the lake to ice-swim. Good old days.

"Ah. Look if it isn't the mighty A." Mac comes over and pulls me into a giant hug while laughing.

"Hardy har har. How are you Mac? Haven't seen you in a while." I get out of his grip and sit by Chrissy. I prop my legs up and the coffee' table.

"I'm great. Just really busy lately." He pauses."Don't bother telling me what happened to you. Chrissy already filled me in." He looks at me with sympathy. He was always like a brother to me, that feeling will never change.

"OK guys. Do you both wanna do the every-food-item-party-while-watching-a-chick-lit or lay around like someone died." Me and Mac exchange looks before looking back at Chrissy and shrugging. "You guys are the worst to talk to, you know that right?" She pretends to pout.

"Fine. We will do the everything-food-party-while-watching-a-chick-lit. Happy?"

"Very." Mac starts laughing which leads to him spitting his soda out which leads to us all laughing about him spitting his soda out. We're weird like that.

This is a short chapter sorry. It's my first romance story and I really need help so plz help. Can you guys comment down below or P.M me ideas for chapter two....plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Thx so much guys love you all.........-----SKY


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