The Wedding

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We got to the hotel and our room was amazing and because we had a month to kill we decided to get married first and then use the rest of our time as our honeymoon time. Kelly said we couldn't get married until he officially proposed so he's taking me out to dinner tonight.
Kelly: "You know Matt you only have an hour to get ready."
Matt: "Yeah I know but I don't know what to wear."
Kelly: "What do you usually wear on a date?"
Matt: "A suit, a tux, jeans and a jacket, I don't know I've never gone on a date with someone that I'm trying to impress as much as you."
Kelly: "Listen to me Matt, you don't have to impress me because where I am is where I wanna be."
Matt: "Really?"
Kelly: "Yes and believe me if I'm without your kisses I'll be needing stitches."
Matt: "Kelly, you have such a way with words. There's no way a needle and thread would get you out of my head."
Kelly: "I love you!"
Matt: "I love you too! Now I have to go get ready."
Kelly: "Okay I'll be waiting."
About 35 minutes later I had finally decided on an outfit. I went with a pair of dark blue jeans and a white T-shirt with a dress jacket and a pair of dress shoes. I was expecting Kelly to be dressed in the same thing as earlier but he was dressed completely different. He had a pair of black skinny jeans on with a white T-shirt. He had his leather jacket on with a pair of black boots. He looked so good.
Kelly: "You ready?"
Matt: "How do I look?"
Kelly: "Great but if we don't leave soon we won't make it out of the house."
Matt: "Why?"
Kelly: "I'm about to rip your clothes off."
Matt: "Well that can wait till after dinner."
Kelly: "Then we better go."
Matt: "Yeah."
We walked out and got into the rental car and go figure Kelly traded it for a black camaro. But I love him for it. He's the sweetest guy I have ever met and the only man I ever liked the way I like him. Hallie didn't even compare to the way Kelly makes me feel. And it's about a 10-15 minute drive to the restaurant and it is in total silence. We get there and Kelly is a total gentleman. He opened my door then held the restaurant door open for me and then pulledy chair out for me. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Matt: "Kelly you are the sweetest person in the world."
Kelly: "No you are, if it wasn't for you I may not be here."
Matt: "What do you mean?"
Kelly: "Well when I started the dreams it was the night that I almost lost you. I was up and down and when I did sleep it was a dream full of nothing but you. I thought it was just because I had almost lost you so I knocked it out of the way but then it happened again and again then finally I had the dream where we came out here and got married but I woke up before you said I do. So I decided to tell you how I feel and now here we are."
Matt: "That still doesn't tell me why you wouldn't be here."
Kelly: "Before the accident about 2 weeks I had asked Chief to transfer me to another house. I had the paper work filled out and the day of the accident I had handed the papers to Boden and I don't know what it was but when you fell and I was the only one there to help you it made me realize that I need you my life more than you need me Matt and I went to Boden's office and took the papers off his desk and shredded them."
Matt: "Why would you want a transfer?"
Kelly: "I thought that what we had going on between us would never end and I wanted my friend back, but I assumed that you wanted nothing to with me and I'm sorry."
Matt: "No matter what happens Kelly, I will always be there for you so you thought and assumed wrong."
Kelly: "Yeah I know that but what if that accident hadn't happened?"
Matt: "You would be gone and we wouldn't be together."
Kelly: "Yeah and I'm glad it went the way it did because I never would have told you about my feelings I'm too big of an ignorant ass."
Matt: "Yes you are but I feel that if you hadn't told me, I would have told because Kelly I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
Kelly: "Okay then I can do this."
Matt: "Do what?"
I knew he was gonna propose but I didn't think he would in front of all these people. But he did he got down on one knee and did it, everyone in the restaurant was looking at us.
Kelly: "Matthew Casey, I have secretly loved you for a long time and I was stupid for not telling you before but you were with Hallie. Now here we our, we've only been dating for a couple days but I have know you for years and I can't believe I'm finally with you. I use to think that you were just a man of my dreams but now your the one I get to lay next every night and dream about what are life will be like. I love you Matt! Always have and always will. So will you do me the honors of making me the happiest and luckiest man alive and MARRY ME?"
Matt: "I don't know what to say Kelly. That was the sweetest thing I've ever heard."
Kelly: "Well say something I don't care what it is."
Matt: "I love you too! And Yes I'll marry you."
Kelly: "Really?"
Matt: "Yes!"
Kelly: "Yes!"
Matt: "Yes Kelly yes!"
He kissed me in front of everyone. Maybe this is what it could be like back in Chicago. Anyway after dinner we went and got married. Not how I pictured my wedding but it sure was something I would never forget. After we were legally married, we headed back to the hotel and did exactly what we have waited for.

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