Chapter 4 - These Streets

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The last 5-6 had been a blur. We didn't really do much out of the ordinary so everything seem to merge into one. Throughout the week only one event stood out.

Elliot had left the house about half an hour ago but I wasn't ready so I said I would text him in about half an hour and ask him where he was so I could come and meet him.

This happened most days because Elliot wakes up, throws on the first thing he comes across, eats and then leaves the house. I generally spend a little more time picking out my outfit and making myself look presentable. Elliot makes himself look great even though he spends about 5 minutes. Why can't we all be so lucky?

Eventually I was ready so I text Elliot.

"I'm ready now where r u?"

"Phil is just about to leave too he will meet you at the top and walk with you he knows where we are."

I didn't have anything against Phil but he just seemed so awkward and there was something I didn't like about him even if he was very attractive.

"What??? I can't walk with him!!!!!"

"Why not???"

"I don't know him! Just tell me where u r!"

"No. Either walk with Phil or don't come at all"

"Omg I hate u"

"Love u too sister"

I was so angry with Elliot that he was making me walk with Phil. I don't know what it is about him but I don't want to be anywhere near him.

I can't miss the whole day though I think to myself and set out of the door. I call out bye to my parents to tell them I'm leaving then set out walking. I can see him stood at the top of the street as soon as I turn the corner. He is leaning against a lamppost and holding a skateboard in one hand.

I do have a thing for boys that skateboard.

As I approach I see that he is on the phone. I slow down my pace and hope that he has ended his call before I get there.

When I finally reach him he's still midway through his conversation. I stand and wait awkwardly not knowing how to react. After I few minutes I start to get a bit restless and make a few gestures to him to try and make him end his call but he just carries on and doesn't even acknowledge me.

I can feel the anger building inside me and he knows what he's doing. The emotionless stare that was on his face has changed into a smug grin as if he knows home much he is getting to me.

Without realising what I'm doing I reach up and grab the phone out his hand. I shout "bye" down the receiver before ending the call. I hand him back the phone and begin to walk.

After I few steps I heard the wheels of a skateboard behind me. Then the wheels stop and footsteps start. After a few seconds Phil was behind me.

"Why the fuck did you do that?" He shouted between breaths.

"Do what?" I gave him the most innocent look I could muster in the hope that I could make a joke out of the situation.

"You bloody well know what you did and it was out of order."

I stole a look at him and I could see he was seething.

"W-well I had been waiting at least 5 minutes for you to get off the flipping phone! If you would've just told whoever you were on the phone to that you would ring them back, like a decent human being would do, I wouldn't have had to do it"

"Flipping" he mocks.

I shoot a deathly stare his way and then continue to walk and he begins to follow.

That's one of the things I don't particularly like. Swearing. I do it myself sometimes if I'm really angry or I'm joking about something, but when someone swears every other word it annoys the hell out of me. Elliot knows this so he swears in front of me frequently. Did I mention how much of an idiot my brother is?

No one speaks for a few seconds but then Phil suddenly declares "I will get you back for that."

"For what? I ask.

"For doing that to me while I was on the phone."

"Do your worst"

"Oh trust me I will."

At first I thought he was joking with the whole revenge thing but it seems he's deadly serious and I start to worry about what I've just got myself into, but then Phil's voice intervenes with my thoughts.

"It's this way you twat"


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2013 ⏰

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