New girl Great?

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It was already sectember and school barely started.

my mom and dad went back to work

jennifer and i made some new friends and all

the year was good until second period

After science which was boring and scary , we were learning about the elements of earth and wat hed a tsunami hit on one of indian parts of india and the wreck of a earthquake that destryoyed japan and a country in 15 seconds i tried to ignored the videos because im always traumitized by things of destruction.

Out of the doorway and through the 7th grade hallway where everyone hangs out and also where the bathrooms are placed i said hi to Alisa, caroline,natalie,alexa,america(yes america is her real name dont judge),and ashley.

Then i went back to math which is next to my science class which is a good thing.But i didnt went in exactly i just wait until my friends get in there and jennifer who was late because she had gym first period and its all the way where lunch is.

As soon we get in there everyone was seated.... except for me.

Someone was in my seat. A girl who i never met before.

She had brown hair, dark brown eyes like mine , she wore a grey jacket and khacki pants, and a green binder with little pictures on it. 

I looked at her for a moment and then i went up to where my "seat" was and said "um excuse me thats my seat". She looked puzzeled and didnt look back .

"Kathleen!!!"said a mans voice

It was Mr.park

I turned around and looked at him "yes?"

"I want you to sit somewhere else for now we have a new student so be polite ok?"

POLITE???POLITE!!!???THAT WAS MY SEAT!!! i sat with my friend armando and others, My hands were tired from standing and trying to get my seat which was next to lydias.I was mad and i stared at her with a serious look hoping she realized what's mine is MINE.

During math, we were done with our work so i went up to her with a fake smile. 

"Hi im Kathleen whats your name?"i asked 

"Esmeralda"she said as she looked at me.

" Well then esmeralda can i see your schedule?"

Esmeralda got it out of her binder it was a clean , white paper with black letters like the ones when you find a persons blood type.She handed it to me and i took it. 











"oh well  look at that you have math and english with me"

"um yeah i guess"

Then lydia joined the conversation

"hey kathleen you do know esmeralda  was in mr.martins class right? she got switched to hear" said Lydia

What was i thinking?! Of course she been here she is karens best friend.

"uh huh" i said to lydia giving the paper back to her and went off to my "new" desk

The bell rang..

I mean english was okay but to me i always thought she would be the nice type but once you bother    

She will get you back 

im not scared i never was... but this is still the beginning.

So grab your tissues and a trash can and ...



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